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Embeddable Apps

Librarians: If your library subscribes to BookBrowse, please log in to see ready-to-use code snippets to embed any of these apps into your website. You can log in via your library or at

The apps on this page can be easily embedded into any page of a subscribing library's website with just one line of code.

Patrons in the library clicking on one of these will have immediate access to all of BookBrowse.

Patrons accessing remotely will be able to see all the destination pages without needing to log in. If they browse away from the destination pages, they may be asked to enter their library card number; having done so they will have complete access to all of BookBrowse.

If you have questions about these apps or would like to ask us to create one for another aspect of BookBrowse, please contact us.

Read-Alikes by Title & Author

If your library subscribes to BookBrowse, please log in to see ready-to-use code snippets to embed any of these apps into your website. You can log in via your library or at

This app enables patrons to search for handpicked read-alike recommendations for more than 4,000 contemporary books and 3,000 authors (how BookBrowse picks read-alikes). Patrons in the library will have immediate access to full results (and everything else on BookBrowse). Remote patrons will be able to see 2-3 search results; if they want to see full results, they will be prompted to log in with their library card number, after which they will have full access to all of BookBrowse.

To display this on a subscribing library's website is as simple as pasting one line of code. Once installed, no maintenance is required.

This Week's Top Picks

If your library subscribes to BookBrowse, please log in to see ready-to-use code snippets to embed any of these apps into your website. You can log in via your library or at

This app displays between one and five static book jackets (you choose how many to display). When a jacket is clicked, the user is jumped to the relevant review and "beyond the book" article on BookBrowse, plus an excerpt, a range of media reviews and read-alike recommendations. Users in the library will immediately have full access to BookBrowse. Remote patrons will be able to view the content of the immediate destination pages. If they wish to explore more they may be prompted to enter their library card number, after which they will be jumped to the relevant page and will have full access to BookBrowse.

To display this on a subscribing library's website is as simple as pasting one line of code. Once installed, no maintenance is required. It is updated four times each week.

Top Book Club Recommendations

If your library subscribes to BookBrowse, please log in to see ready-to-use code snippets to embed any of these apps into your website. You can log in via your library or at

This app displays between one and five static book jackets of titles specifically recommended for book clubs (you choose how many books to display). In turn, each book links to more information on BookBrowse including a range of media reviews, an excerpt and discussion guide. Users in the library will immediately have full access to BookBrowse. Remote patrons will be able to view the destination pages without needing to log in. If they click away to view other content, they may be prompted to enter their library card; having done so, they will be jumped to the relevant page and will have full access to BookBrowse.

To display this on a subscribing library's website is as simple as pasting one line of code. Once installed, no maintenance is required. It is updated weekly.

Rotating Book Jackets

If your library subscribes to BookBrowse, please log in to see ready-to-use code snippets to embed any of these apps into your website. You can log in via your library or at

This app displays a rotation of book jackets which link to a page on BookBrowse that displays the four reviews and "beyond the book" articles. Users in the library will immediately have full access to BookBrowse. Remote patrons will be able to view the destination pages without needing to log in. If they click away to view other content, they may be prompted to enter their library card; having done so, they will be jumped to the correct destination page with full access to all of BookBrowse.

To display this on a subscribing library's website is as simple as pasting one line of code. Once installed, no maintenance is required. It is updated four times a week.

BookBrowse Free Newsletter Signup (BETA)

If your library subscribes to BookBrowse, please log in to see ready-to-use code snippets to embed any of these apps into your website. You can log in via your library or at

This app is in final stages of testing. It allows patrons to sign up to our free BookBrowse for Patrons Newsletters directly from your website.

To display this on a subscribing library's website is as simple as pasting one line of code. Once installed, no maintenance is required.