Smart Phones & Tablets
How to put a BookBrowse icon on your Android homescreen.
How to put a BookBrowse icon on your iPhone homescreen.
How to put a BookBrowse icon on your iPad homescreen
Apps for Websites
We're often asked if it's okay to copy BookBrowse's content to put on other websites. The short answer is no because everything at BookBrowse is under copyright, some to BookBrowse, some to the legal copyright holders (e.g. the excerpts are copyrighted to the authors), so it is not okay to copy content from us to use elsewhere without specific permission in writing.
But you can use our apps - which change all the time depending on what books, reviews and news articles are being featured at the time.
To get started, pick an app from the options below. Click "get this app" to open a page displaying just the one app.
Copy and paste the little piece of code on to your website. Then, every time we update BookBrowse, your website will automatically update too.
Simple as that!