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BookBrowse Free Newsletter 09/11/2014

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We share your passion for great books. In fact, for 400 issues now, The BookBrowse Review has culled through the overwhelming number of books published each year, and delivered only the cream of the crop to our members.

Membership, as they say, has its privileges. When a book is featured in the magazine, you'll know it's worthy of your time. Literary fiction; narrative non-fiction; historical fiction; mysteries; young adult literature - we cover them all. Each feature delivers much more than a review - the Beyond the Book section explores a related topic in depth, while an excerpt gives you a peek inside the book so you can decide for yourself whether it's right for you. U.S. members can also take part in our First Impressions program and receive free books in return for an honest review or participation in an online discussion.   


To celebrate our milestone, here is a link to the 400th issue of The BookBrowse Review so you can explore for free all the comprehensive and engaging content we are proud to publish.

And if you decide you'd like to become a member, subscribe within the next 10 days using coupon code bb400f and you'll save $6 on an annual subscription!

Thank you!

Davina, BookBrowse's founder & editor


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Offer Expires Sept 22, 2014

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Your guide toexceptional          books

BookBrowse seeks out and recommends the best in contemporary fiction and nonfiction—books that not only engage and entertain but also deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.