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When Women Were Birds

"Brilliant, meditative, and full of surprises, wisdom, and wonder." - Ann Lamott...
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How does Terry's relationship with her father compare to your own relationship with your dad?

Created: 03/08/13

Replies: 7

Posted Mar. 08, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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How does Williams’s relationship with her father compare to your own relationship with your dad?

How does Terry's relationship with her father compare to your own relationship with your dad?
What did her father teach her about men?

Posted Apr. 01, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/20/10

Posts: 33

RE: How does Terry's relationship with her father compare to your own relationship with your dad?

I thought that it was interesting how both her father and her grandfather began to participate more in the life of their families after their spouses had died. It was, however, very sad that Williams didn't hold her father's hand during the opera. They probably both could have done with that expression of love. Like Williams' father, while I was growing up, my father was busy building his career. He travelled a tremendous amount and was often busy when he was home, but as we both got older, he became more involved in our lives, and more open about his own life.

Posted Apr. 01, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
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RE: How does Terry's relationship with her father compare to your own relationship with your dad?

Like Terry, I could write a book about the times I spent thinking about, talking to, or being with my mom.... There is no book in either of us for our dads.

Posted Apr. 01, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How does Terry's relationship with her father compare to your own relationship with your dad?

I was lucky to have some memorable times with my Dad in spite of the time he was involved in building a business. He certainly was able to implant a strong work ethic, the importance of ethical behavior and how easy it is to provide for others in an anonymous way just because it is the right thing to do. While not the relationship the a mother/daughter one is it was strong. I have kept many of the letters he wrote while I was away in college and then off to the real world of a career and marriage/family of my own. As with journals, they have his voice and recall memories. I can't help but wonder what voice the collective of children and grandchildren will have as we shuffle off this mortal coil. Will plugging in a memory chip or DVD have the same effect as the written word?

Posted Apr. 02, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How does Terry's relationship with her father compare to your own relationship with your dad?

I have had some rocky times with my dad, which my mom would try to smooth over until she was gone. Since then we have had to find our own way. We have both mellowed as we have aged...but are too much alike in some ways.

Posted Apr. 03, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 12/17/12

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RE: How does Terry's relationship with her father compare to your own relationship with your dad?

Like Terry's father, mine was gone a lot for work. He wasn't an outgoing person, but he was always there when he wasn't working. I think our relationship was probably a lot like Terry and her father's relationship-- quiet, but strong.

Posted Apr. 03, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How does Terry's relationship with her father compare to your own relationship with your dad?

My father was one of the most fair, ethical and hard working men I have ever known. Since it was truly a family farm he was always around and we all worked side by side with him everyday. He was a man of a
strong Catholic faith and instilled in all of us a very high moral conduct without ever being in any way preachy about it. He was not demonstrative but was attuned to all of our activities and attitudes and very reasonable and logical in how he dealt with us. He also let us all know that what ever we chose to do with our lives he would support us and expect nothing more than our care and concern for my Mom and himself. I think this is more or less the way of Terry's father as well.

Posted Apr. 05, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/31/11

Posts: 166

RE: How does Terry's relationship with her father compare to your own relationship with your dad?

My father treated me nearly the same as my brother. He did not see gender as an excuse not to achieve whatever I set out to do. We spent a great deal of time pursuing outdoor, gardening, animals. He would have been happy to take me hunting, too, if I had wanted to do that. I was in my early 20s when my father died and my greatest regret is that I didn't have the opportunity to know him in my adult years. Think we had much in common - which at times caused us a great deal of contentiousness.


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