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Girls Burn Brighter

An extraordinary and heart-rending tale of two girls with all the odds against ...
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What do you think about Savitha's thoughts at the point she decides to escape her captors? Do you empathize with her and would you try to escape as she did?

Created: 03/14/19

Replies: 4

Posted Mar. 14, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/20/11

Posts: 72

What do you think about Savitha's thoughts at the point she decides to escape her captors? Do you empathize with her and would you try to escape as she did?

Reference to the book is Page 207 through 211. This section was very impactful for me during the read. The reason was how the author described Savitha's fear and the wonderful description of what her thought process was and what types of things she was thinking about.

Posted Mar. 15, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/06/17

Posts: 466

RE: What do you think about Savitha's thoughts at the point she decides to escape her captors? Do you empathize with her and would you try to escape as she did?

Savitha loved her family. She chose to have her hand amputated knowing that her family would benefit financially. She wanted them to be secure and safe. She sacrificed for them. And the one thing that kept her where she was was the fear of her family being punished if she did run away. The message in her father's story was that are fears aren't always what one imagines to be-often they are nothing. She seemed to be looking for guidance in remembering-only this fear-the fear of her family paying for her actions was very real to Savitha. What do you do when your fear IS a bear or tiger? I think she would have stayed indefinitely just to protect them. But then Savitha learns through a conversation with Mohan that no one knows where she is. No one knows who her family is. Just like that, she is free from the fear or harm coming to her family. And because of this, the can walk away with a clear conscious.

I am amazed at Savitha's level of care and concern for her family. The bear or the tiger seems like it would be a young women; alone, unable to speak English, no documentation, no money, no clear sense of direction, in a world that has already proven to be hostile and unkind. Savitha expresses absolutely no fear about what could happen to her.

Posted Mar. 20, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/16/17

Posts: 175

RE: What do you think about Savitha's thoughts at the point she decides to escape her captors? Do you empathize with her and would you try to escape as she did?

Savitha had taken risks before and positive benefits had happened. She decided to try one more time, for herself. When her sacrifice resulted in her family receiving a better home and station in life, she was satisfied. In the final escape she hoped for rhe same benefits for herself. She observed better situations in America and she benefited from random kindness from the couple who gave her a ride. She moved toward the unknown, butbecause the knownwas so horrible, she at least had hope for improvement.

Posted Mar. 27, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/18/15

Posts: 499

RE: What do you think about Savitha's thoughts at the point she decides to escape her captors? Do you empathize with her and would you try to escape as she did?

I do empathize with Savitha. Very often our worst fears are the ones we create for ourselves. On this occasion Savitha learns something that she did not know before. That "no one knows where she is, where she came from". So she can escape. Once she realizes this, her thoughts go wild. Why didn't she pay more attention to the things around her, the signs, the streets, the blue book. But she did begin to plan, she knew she was going to try to escape. Now she would do what she needed to do. Plan.

Posted Apr. 01, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/16/13

Posts: 117

RE: What do you think about Savitha's thoughts at the point she decides to escape her captors? Do you empathize with her and would you try to escape as she did?

I agree with the previous reviewers, in that fear kept her there, until she finds out that her family is safe. She then can make a plan, and escape. After all that she had been through, it took great strength and courage.


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