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Cruel Beautiful World

Cruel Beautiful World examines the intricate, infinitesimal distance between ...
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Why do you think the author chose the title? How does the title relate to the themes of the novel?

Created: 08/04/17

Replies: 5

Posted Aug. 04, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

Why do you think the author chose the title? How does the title relate to the themes of the novel?

Why do you think Leavitt called this novel Cruel Beautiful World? How does the title relate to the themes of her novel?

Posted Aug. 07, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/14

Posts: 363

RE: Why do you think the author chose the title? How does the title relate to the themes of the novel?

For the main character in this novel, Lucy, clearly cruelty was a primary life force. While beauty also was apparent, the difficult, the less fortunate, was more prevalent than the beautiful or good.. Even as she sought to make her life beautiful by taking the steps she did, running off with her teacher/lover, this, too, ended in cruelty for her. Charlotte's life seemed less cruel; she seemed better able to manage or adapt to the realities of her situation - but adapting is not truly beautiful. It is more accepting and adjusting. Thus, while the novel has many beautiful aspects to it - including visions of nature and natural beauty - in the end, those, too, end being cruel in many instances. Thus, the appropriate title.

Posted Aug. 07, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/28/11

Posts: 458

RE: Why do you think the author chose the title? How does the title relate to the themes of the novel?

The world was both cruel and beautiful for Lucy. Love is beautiful and Lucy felt she had found true love and someone who wanted to give everything up and take care of her. In reality, there is cruelty in this world and her dream soon became a nightmare.

Posted Aug. 09, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/03/16

Posts: 12

RE: Why do you think the author chose the title? How does the title relate to the themes of the novel?

I think the author opened our eyes to both the cruel and the beautiful in the story, and wanted us to realize that. I think that is true so often, that we do live in a cruel, beautiful world.

Posted Aug. 09, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/18/15

Posts: 499

RE: Why do you think the author chose the title? How does the title relate to the themes of the novel?

I think the title fits the book perfectly. In this world we have both beauty and cruelty. How our lives turn out depends on the choices we make or what fate gives us. Both Charlotte and Lucy faced this cruel world when their parents were taken away. Iris faced the cruelty when the man she loved so deeply turned away from her, yet she saw how beautiful it could be when she met Joe. William and Patrick seem to be the personification of cruel and beautiful. William so abusive and Patrick so caring. I think the author adds the Manson story and the killings at college to show how cruel the world can be.

Posted Aug. 15, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/19/11

Posts: 9

RE: Why do you think the author chose the title? How does the title relate to the themes of the novel?

Lucy was certainly an easy target for cruelty. If one lives with it, then they expect it from anyone who might just "love" them. Love for Lucy was not what anyone would want, but would put up with to be loved - very common in those who are trapped in an abusive relationship.


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