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Girls Burn Brighter

An extraordinary and heart-rending tale of two girls with all the odds against ...
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What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

Created: 02/27/19

Replies: 16

Posted Feb. 27, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

In her husband's house, after she has been terribly burned, Poornima imagines the banks of the Krishna river: "When she closed her eyes, there were the saris drying on the opposite shore. Every color, fluttering in the river breeze, fields of wildflowers." Saris and weaving play an important role throughout the novel. What do they represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

Posted Mar. 04, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/19/12

Posts: 413

RE: What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

I think they reflect a sense of personal creativity and control. Savitha's guarding the fragment of the sari fragment shows her desire to control her own life and its output, and to be able to dispose of it as she sees fit.

Posted Mar. 04, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/21/11

Posts: 338

RE: What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

To me the saris represent survival. Without weaving neither one or their families would have been able to live. The saris are life, something to cling to in order to live

Posted Mar. 04, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Marcia S

Join Date: 02/08/16

Posts: 537

RE: What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

The weaving is a lifeline for the families. Savitha's creativity and talents are brought forth in her weaving. She holds on to the piece of cloth as it's the last beautiful thing she created, although unfinished. It's also her tie to Poornima and proof that she was worth something. I think of Poornima's wedding sari and that it was to help reveal her worthiness to the family she was marrying into. The sari's were a touch of brightness in a dark world.

Posted Mar. 04, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Marcia S

Join Date: 02/08/16

Posts: 537

RE: What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

The weaving is a lifeline for the families. Savitha's creativity and talents are brought forth in her weaving. She holds on to the piece of cloth as it's the last beautiful thing she created, although unfinished. It's also her tie to Poornima and proof that she was worth something. I think of Poornima's wedding sari and that it was to help reveal her worthiness to the family she was marrying into. The sari's were a touch of brightness in a dark world.

Posted Mar. 04, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/11/12

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RE: What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

I've always been fascinated with India - its history and culture. Based upon my reading and study of Indian culture saris are not merely functional garments, but they are usually connected to a memory or identity of the individual. In the case of Savitha the piece of cloth is the last beautiful thing she created and her tie to Poornima.

Posted Mar. 04, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

RE: What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

When we reviewed Girls Burn Brighter last year, we wrote a "beyond the book" article about the charkha--the spinning wheel used by Poornima and Savitha--which may be of interest to readers:

-- Davina

Posted Mar. 05, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/05/18

Posts: 263

RE: What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

Saris represent money, creativity, individualism, memories, and love for Poornima and Savitha. As a duo, the women represent the completion of this with Poornima spinning the thread and Savitha weaving it. Savitha holds on to the cloth she started to make for Poornima because it represents a former life as well as her friendship with Poornima.

Posted Mar. 05, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 11/21/17

Posts: 58

RE: What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

I also think it is a lifeline and a way to hold Poormina's memory. As long as Savitha has a bit of that sari, she still has the hope of finding Poormina and a visual representation of her to hold on to. It is also a tangible tie to their friendship.

Posted Mar. 05, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/18/15

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RE: What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

The creation of a sari was a way in which Poornima and Savitha could earn a few rupees and helping their families. It gave them a feeling of self confidence to be useful when women were considered useless. After they left India, the sari represented everything that was beautiful in their homeland. For Savitha, the piece of sari that she carried with her was almost like a photograph of Poornima.

Posted Mar. 13, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/14/11

Posts: 96

RE: What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

The weaving was a way for both girls to provide for their families. Savitha guarded the fabric piece because it reminded her of Poornima and gave her hope that they would find each other again.

Posted Mar. 13, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/26/11

Posts: 91

RE: What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

I loved scgirl's reply to this question and think she says it beautifully. I would add that the sari which Savitha holds onto is also a reminder to her that she is a human being with value and that someone, namely Poornima, loves her without expecting anything from her.

Posted Mar. 13, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/26/11

Posts: 91

RE: What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

I also thank you, Davina, for the explanation of the charkha as I was not familiar with the particulars of this loom.

Posted Mar. 15, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/06/17

Posts: 466

RE: What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

The comments here are so touching and thoughtful! In another comment section someone wrote something about women being better when they support one another. I think we see evidence of this in the teamwork of Savitha and Poornima. The combining of their two "jobs" (spinning and weaving) to create something beautiful and lasting binds them together. Without one, there wouldn't be another. This is what occurs to Savitha while she is lying crumpled in the woods after yet another brutal attack. The sari had protected her heart. It was what kept her "whole". As long as she had the sari, she had a tangible reminder that she had something beautiful in her life. She had love.

I had missed the article about the charkha as well. I appreciate the link, Davina. The creation of this and its use in impoverished villages gave HOPE to the people who relied on it. Hope for a little money, hope for food, hope for a better future for the children. Savitha carried that hope with her in the form of the sari that had begun as the boll, then to the loom, then finally the cloth.

Posted Mar. 17, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/14/19

Posts: 208

RE: What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

From the beginning, the weaving of the saris provides solace and money for Poornima and Savitha, something they both needed. In earlier days, the money would not have been their own. There is also the sense of creativity, of making something beyond oneself, in the weaving.

Posted Apr. 01, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/16/13

Posts: 117

RE: What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

I loved the image of two friends making something beautiful together. I believe Savitha kept it and cherished it because it reminded her of a happier time. But, it also was symbolic of her creativity and that it was made with thread that Poornima had spun. It was a symbol of their bond.

Posted Apr. 03, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/28/11

Posts: 96

RE: What do saris and weaving represent for Poornima and Savitha? Why does Savitha guard the fragment of cloth from Poornima's sari so closely?

Humanity. That someone cared enough about her to make something for her, even though it cost her so much. That she mattered to someone!


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