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Dead Wake

The enthralling story of the sinking of the Lusitania by #1 New York Times ...
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How did Captain Schwieger's leadership style compare with that of Captain Turner? Did you feel sympathy for Schwieger and his crew?

Created: 03/20/16

Replies: 6

Posted Mar. 20, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

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How did Captain Schwieger's leadership style compare with that of Captain Turner? Did you feel sympathy for Schwieger and his crew?

How did Captain Schwieger's leadership style compare with that of Captain Turner? Did you feel sympathy for Schwieger and his crew?

Posted Mar. 21, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/10/13

Posts: 27

RE: How did Captain Schwieger's leadership style compare with that of Captain Turner? Did you feel sympathy for Schwieger and his crew?

In many ways the two men's leadership style were very similar. Both were highly respected by their crews, had been at their helms for many years and highly skilled in navigation.

The difference was that Captain Turner had to follow exact directions pertaining to how, when and where the vessel was to be governed where Captain Schwieger had free rein and was encouraged to try new tactics.

I had absolutely no sympathy for Captain Schwieger or his crew. He knew exactly what he was going after and totally enjoyed the thrill of making the "biggest catch".

Posted Mar. 23, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/20/16

Posts: 27

RE: How did Captain Schwieger's leadership style compare with that of Captain Turner? Did you feel sympathy for Schwieger and his crew?

I agree with meredithk in regard to Turner's and Schweiger's leadership styles. I don't see how anyone could feel sorry for Schweieger since he was basically hailed as a hero in Germany. Larson mentions that Schwieger might have had some sympathy for the great number of passengers that were in the process of dying...but I doubt that. He continued torpedoing several other boats...never caring if they were bearing munitions or not. As I said in an earlier post...war is hell. There is not much room for sympathy when one is determined to kill his enemy during warfare.

Posted Mar. 31, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/16/14

Posts: 387

RE: How did Captain Schwieger's leadership style compare with that of Captain Turner? Did you feel sympathy for Schwieger and his crew?

I agree with meredithk's evaluation of the ability and experience of the two officers. Also with the comparison of the parameters of their command. On the other hand, Captain Turner was a civilian commander of a civilian pleasure craft. Captain Schwieger was a naval commander of a naval vessel charged with protecting the German nation in time of War. I doubt either of them would have wanted " sympathy" but rather wanted to do their duty to the best of their ability. Was is sad to read that Schwieger and his crew died in the course of their action in war? Yes, the loss of life of military men and women, fighting for what they believe in, is sad. Is it often inevitable? Yes! People in all walks of life die in wartime and death, especially of the young is always sad. I also think it sad to automatically assume that because one takes lives in wartime that there is little or no remorse on the part of the combatant who does so.

Posted Mar. 31, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/18/15

Posts: 499

RE: How did Captain Schwieger's leadership style compare with that of Captain Turner? Did you feel sympathy for Schwieger and his crew?

I agree that the two captains had a similar style, although Captain Turner was more concerned for the safety of his crew and passengers. I had no sympathy for Captain Schwieger, his only concern was winning the big prize.

Posted Mar. 31, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Lea Ann

Join Date: 04/20/11

Posts: 99

RE: How did Captain Schwieger's leadership style compare with that of Captain Turner? Did you feel sympathy for Schwieger and his crew?

Interesting comments. Especially Katherinep who reminded us that Capt. Turner was a civilian traveling in time of war, expecting that his ship would be protected by the English navy, while Capt. Schwieger was a military man of long standing from a country who did not encourage freedom of thought/action. He did find it in his heart to not send a 2nd torpedo into the Lusitania and her civilians struggling to stay alive for which he may well have been criticized in his homeland. I wonder if the crew of the submarine were volunteers or conscripts? I personally cannot imagine volunteering for submarine duty, especially in the early 1900s and feel sorry for those who were in those death traps. Our Museum of Flight here has recreations of the trenches in which men fought during that war and they seem as horrible as the submarines. No, there is nothing pretty nor heroic about war. Both commanders did their best under trying circumstances.

Posted Apr. 04, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/23/12

Posts: 85

RE: How did Captain Schwieger's leadership style compare with that of Captain Turner? Did you feel sympathy for Schwieger and his crew?

I think it's hard as an American to have any sympathy for Schwieger. I believe Larson was being kind to him. His sights were on a sinking a ship without regard for the lives lost. Any man who can walk away from self-created carnage without any remorse is a terrorist. I think war time allows the demon in all men to come out of the closet and wreak havoc. Always, it's the innocent that pay the highest price.

Turner was a little too comfortable and could have been much more alert and concerned about the passage. While a good captain, he failed to follow through. He failed to make sure that there was an escort for the ship. There was such a big assumption on his part that the Lusitania would never take a hit.

That said, we'll never really know what went through each man's mind.


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