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The Heart You Carry Home

A novel about surviving on the home front and the limits and limitlessness of ...
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Do you agree with Reno that there is not necessarily a correlation between the amount of violence in a story and the way it affects a person?

Created: 10/28/15

Replies: 5

Posted Oct. 28, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

Do you agree with Reno that there is not necessarily a correlation between the amount of violence in a story and the way it affects a person?

Reno muses that there is not necessarily a correlation between the amount of violence in a story and the way it affects a person. Do you agree with his statement? Why or why not?

Posted Nov. 02, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
bestmartin's Gravatar

Join Date: 02/20/13

Posts: 103

RE: Do you agree with Reno that there is not necessarily a correlation between the amount of violence in a story and the way it affects a person?

Yes, I do agree. I think the way it affects people is not necessarily related to the present story/experience. I think it's more about the stories you carry in your head and soul and the past experiences you had. I think it's very subjective

Posted Nov. 02, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/18/15

Posts: 499

RE: Do you agree with Reno that there is not necessarily a correlation between the amount of violence in a story and the way it affects a person?

Very often a person suffers from a traumatic episode that may not seem tremendously violent, but has left the "victim" to suffer for years or even a lifetime. What is violent to one may not be to another, it is so subjective. The personality and make-up of a person will determine his/her reaction to an episode and their ability to move forward after the trauma.

Posted Nov. 05, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/12/15

Posts: 188

RE: Do you agree with Reno that there is not necessarily a correlation between the amount of violence in a story and the way it affects a person?

Yes I agree. Violence affects everyone differently depending on their past experiences and sensitivities. No one can say that a certain violent event "shouldn't bother you." We all have seen or heard of violence that is disgusting and horrible, and it can affect us even though we might not be directly or emotionally involved. It's like a poison, even a little bit can hurt you.

Posted Nov. 07, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/12/11

Posts: 242

RE: Do you agree with Reno that there is not necessarily a correlation between the amount of violence in a story and the way it affects a person?

I do agree. Just as individuals react differently in the aftermath of war so do they also regarding violence. Someone who has been sheltered throughout his/her life will probably react to mild violence. The same may hold true to those with PTSD. But someone who has been exposed to quite a bit of violence much of his/her life may not be as affected by milder forms of violence. One becomes desensitized. An example is teens constantly exposed to violent video games and movies.

Posted Nov. 09, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/15/15

Posts: 45

RE: Do you agree with Reno that there is not necessarily a correlation between the amount of violence in a story and the way it affects a person?

Every single person handles every single experience in a different manner, so yes I agree with Reno.


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