I like what you're saying here - your take on the question.
I believe Soo-Ja's father was a very good man and always wanted what was best for his daughter, no matter how controlling he seemed at first. He was concerned for her and wanted to help pave the way for her to be taken care of in their specific society, even if it didn't always match what his daughter wanted.
As a parent he believed he knew better, having seen more of the world. But love can't always guarantee happiness, unfortunately. He couldn't make her decisions for her and had to let her fail at times. That's definitely one of the most difficult aspects of parenting.
It would be interesting to think about the next generation, how Soo-Ja's parenting affected her own girls and how Min's style was so different. He gave them everything and she was the "tough love" parent. With such different parenting styles, what impact must that have on a child? Mixed messages must be difficult for children.