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Fair Rosaline

A subversive, powerful untelling of Romeo and Juliet by New York Times ...
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"I sense another plague coming to the wicked men of Verona." What was your reaction to this statement?

Created: 09/13/23

Replies: 9

Posted Sep. 13, 2023 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

"I sense another plague coming to the wicked men of Verona." What was your reaction to this statement?

When she reads the list of names Rosaline gives her, the mother abbess says, "I sense another plague coming to the wicked men of Verona." What was your reaction to this statement?

Posted Sep. 14, 2023 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/16/10

Posts: 1109

RE: "I sense another plague coming ...

I was actually rather horrified. Although the men on the friar's list were deserving of punishment, I can't believe an abbess would take it upon herself to deliver that punishment.

Posted Sep. 14, 2023 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/21/22

Posts: 24

RE: "I sense another plague coming ...

I agree with kimk. I couldn’t believe that she would deliberately set out to do a mass killing. And if this is just hyperbole then how can these kinds of remarks and an attitude like this further the ‘health’ of the women she is supposed to be leading and caring for in the convent.

Posted Sep. 20, 2023 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
carla a

Join Date: 04/15/22

Posts: 23

RE: "I sense another plague coming ...

I felt the abbess was playing protector to young women. She knew exactly what was going on and knew she could aid these women.

Posted Sep. 20, 2023 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
margaret h.

Join Date: 09/20/23

Posts: 8

RE: "I sense another plague coming ...

I felt a sense of relief that these men were to be dealt with - their crimes were horrendous. If not the Abbess, who?

Posted Sep. 21, 2023 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/05/18

Posts: 263

RE: "I sense another plague coming ...

Sounded like a good idea for a follow-up book!

Posted Sep. 21, 2023 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/28/23

Posts: 31

RE: "I sense another plague coming ...

I rallied at the statement even not knowing what in actuality was meant by the comment. I took the statement as bold whether or not anything would come of it. The Abbess was attempting to be bold and possibly encouraging in a time when this was simply not done by women let alone an Abbess. I like to believe that the Abbess still had ideas and opinions.

Posted Sep. 21, 2023 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/29/21

Posts: 120

RE: "I sense another plague coming ...

I was a little unclear as to the meaning of the statement, however if it implied that justice might be dealt, then I was all for her retaliation of these men.

Posted Sep. 21, 2023 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/07/20

Posts: 49

RE: "I sense another plague coming ...

Revenge! Despite the consecrated women maintaining their own cloistered environment, they still were active members of the town and quite well-informed as to the evils lurking among the patriarchal society of Verona and surrounding villages. They also accepted many damaged individuals behind the safety of their walls which would naturally build feelings of anger and rage toward individuals, particularly the friars who participated and benefited from harming young women. I think the Abbess has reached her limit of tolerance. While I do not believe that she would actively cause "death" to others, suffering to interfere with evil practices might be creatively applied.

Posted Oct. 03, 2023 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Rebecca L.

Join Date: 02/08/16

Posts: 56

RE: "I sense another plague coming ...

I agree with scgirl!! When I read the Abbess say that, along with all the descriptions / interactions about this abbey being more lax or progressive than another one nearby, I thought this would make a great follow up book. Vigilante nuns!


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