Pival observes, "It is amazing when the person you made makes something you never could." Have you ever thought this about children in your life? (p296)
Created: 07/30/19
Replies: 8
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I am amazed every day by my children and grandchildren. They far surpass anything I ever could have imagined. Maybe it is a sign of how fast the world spins or how quickly time flies. They do have opportunities open to them that we never would have thought of, but how quickly they grasp on and make it their own, continues to amaze me.
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I echo reene’s words: my children and grandchildren amaze me. I’m delighted to see what great parents my children are, with a much more complicated world for parents to navigate, while also doing serious and challenging work in their careers. And it’s a treat to see how much more confident and capable, at 6 and 9, my grandchildren are— girls in my day were not encouraged in sports, for example. I can appreciate how Pival found solace and strength in learning of her son’s accomplishments.
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This was one of the quotes that I pulled out of the book because I thought it articulated the wonder a parent can feel when looking at adult children. We work to shape them but we really don't know what the product will be and, if they are allowed to find their own way, we are often surprised, amazed and proud of what they do and make.
Join Date: 08/12/16
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I absolutely feel this way! I am so proud of the people my children have become and when I see them do the things their hearts love... sports or their vocation, it always amazes me that I “made” these special beings! And they can do so many things I never have done also, I love that their hearts are so open , they are free to become who they want to be more than I ever was!
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I think that Pival's thoughts reflect the overall feeling of astonishment that most parents have as they realize what individuals their children are and how much they belong to themselves, rather than their parents. Pival seems to have made some headway with this realization, while her husband Ram couldn't see his son as other than an extension of himself.
Join Date: 02/06/17
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What a beautiful comment, Lois Irene. "Our children belong to themselves." Yes, through all my attempts to move my son in the direction that would make his life easier, safer, kinder- -through all the times I held my breath, let go, and trusted him (even when I knew it was going to be ugly)- - I absolutely love the individual my son has become. I am amazed and so, so grateful. I admire his confidence and willingness to put himself out there. He makes me proud because he is true to himself. I can recognize that I did not have as much to do with that as I thought I did.
Join Date: 04/16/19
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Yes. It is amazing to watch children grow to become their own individual selves. My sons have some of their parents' characteristics but they ultimately utilize those same characteristics into what they feel will help advance and enhance themselves. Even as we try to protect them from being involved in the things that we considered to be harmful, they still have to experience things for themselves in order to learn their own lessons. They basically take the best of us to become much better!
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