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Her Kind of Case

A highly-recommended emotion-filled legal drama with three starred reviews!
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Has there ever been a time in your life when you went with your gut rather than your head?

Created: 05/16/19

Replies: 8

Posted May. 16, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

Has there ever been a time in your life when you went with your gut rather than your head?

Throughout the novel, Lee trusts her gut with multiple decisions she makes. Has there ever been a time in your life when you went with your gut rather than your head?

Posted May. 21, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 12/01/16

Posts: 292

RE: Has there ever been a time in your life when you went with your gut rather than your head?

Yes and sometimes I don't know what my gut was thinking ::;-)::

Posted May. 21, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/21/11

Posts: 264

RE: Has there ever been a time in your life when you went with your gut rather than your head?

Haha - love renem comments above - ditto! I think my gut informs my head and vice versa so that it's often difficult to figure out what was the final determinant.

Posted May. 21, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
taking.mytime's Gravatar

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RE: Has there ever been a time in your life when you went with your gut rather than your head?

I tend to have a lot of gut instincts. Sometimes I go with that and sometimes I need more time to think it over. I tend to get a lot of instinct upon meeting a new person. Amazingly my gut instinct then is usually right.

Gut instinct or first impression can always be followed, but unless it is a case of fight or flight, I find that a bit of thought is also a useful tool.

Posted May. 21, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/31/11

Posts: 166

RE: Has there ever been a time in your life when you went with your gut rather than your head?

Most of the time. That 'spidey sense' can be powerful and should be heeded. ::;-)::

Posted May. 21, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/14/11

Posts: 112

RE: Has there ever been a time in your life when you went with your gut rather than your head?

All the time. And sometimes it hasn't worked out so well and I could kick myself for not using my head.

Posted May. 21, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/28/11

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RE: Has there ever been a time in your life when you went with your gut rather than your head?

I often go with my gut. I then try to analyze the facts to justify if that is the right decision. My gut is ususally right.

Posted May. 23, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/06/17

Posts: 466

RE: Has there ever been a time in your life when you went with your gut rather than your head?

Like most of the above posters, I typically go with my gut feeling. When I have a decision to make, I just "feel" what course I need to take. I usually sit with that feeling for awhile before acting, but I don't think I am really analyzing whether or not my gut instinct is right or wrong. I am much more an emotional person than an analytical one, so trusting my gut is more natural for me. Also, I'm not organized enough to make a pro/con list!

Posted May. 23, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/05/18

Posts: 263

RE: Has there ever been a time in your life when you went with your gut rather than your head?

I am a very logic based person so when my gut instinct tells me something, I usually listen. Mostly I rely on facts, figures and tangible evidence to make a decision.


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