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Every Bone a Prayer

The the story of one tough-as-nails girl whose choices are few but whose fight ...
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Misty feels like she picks up the emotional slack for Penny's indifference. Do you think Penny was truly that insensitive? Who is the most empathetic person in your family? Do you consider yourself empathetic?

Created: 07/21/20

Replies: 2

Posted Jul. 21, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

Misty feels like she picks up the emotional slack for Penny's indifference. Do you think Penny was truly that insensitive? Who is the most empathetic person in your family? Do you consider yourself empathetic?

Misty feels like she picks up the emotional slack for Penny's indifference. ("Misty caught all of the sadness, the grief, and the guilt that Penny refused to take as her own. Penny shrugged it off and Misty was there to pick it up because somebody had to feel it. Somebody had to be sorry."). What do you think about Misty taking on this role in her family? Do you think Penny was truly that insensitive? Who is the most empathetic person in your family? Do you consider yourself empathetic?

Posted Aug. 04, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Marcia S

Join Date: 02/08/16

Posts: 537

RE: Misty feels like she picks up the emotional slack for Penny's indifference. Do you think Penny was truly that insensitive? Who is the most empathetic person in your family? Do you consider yourself empathetic?

I think Penny had walls up to keep from being hurt. However, when Misty returned, Penny was really there for her and was supportive of her sister. I think Misty was able to "feel" other people's emotions more than the others. I think I'm emphatic but no more so than the others in my family.

Posted Aug. 08, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Jessica F

Join Date: 05/23/20

Posts: 181

RE: Misty feels like she picks up the emotional slack for Penny's indifference. Do you think Penny was truly that insensitive? Who is the most empathetic person in your family? Do you consider yourself empathetic?

Misty is an empath. Empaths take on a lot of suffering. She was still very young and hadn't learned how to balance all those feelings or how to put up walls to avoid them.
The sisters have very different personalities...which is natural! I never thought Penny was insensitive and I do believe she loved her sister and her family whole-heartedly.


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