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Night in Shanghai

The forgotten story of black musicians in the Chinese jazz age, and a startling ...
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Looking back from today, do you think Chiang Kai-shek was right with his policy of "first internal pacification, then external resistance"? Or do you think Song was right to build her life around opposing this?

Created: 01/11/15

Replies: 3

Posted Jan. 11, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

Looking back from today, do you think Chiang Kai-shek was right with his policy of "first internal pacification, then external resistance"? Or do you think Song was right to build her life around opposing this?

Chiang Kai-shek pursued a policy of "first internal pacification, then external resistance" (p2), because he thought the Communists posed a greater threat to China than the Japanese invasion. Looking back from today, do you think he was correct? Or do you think Song was right to build her life around opposing this?

Posted Jan. 12, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/13/11

Posts: 52

Chiang Kai Shek

in my memory I believe he was thought of as a good leader. looking back I think Song did the right thing for China's future . Her dedication was her life.

Posted Jan. 13, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Retired Reader, NE

Join Date: 09/16/11

Posts: 165

RE: Looking back from today, do you think Chiang Kai-shek was right with his policy of "first internal pacification, then external resistance"? Or do you think Song was right to build her life around opposing this?

It's hard to second guess history and why decisions were made. The Communist threat, no doubt, was very real and very large to Chiang Kai-shek. After all, Communist activities in Russia and Europe had upended governments and kings. Song's history with the Communists was not as severe as what happened to many "foreign educated" Chinese.

Posted Jan. 14, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/17/14

Posts: 90

RE: Looking back from today, do you think Chiang Kai-shek was right with his policy of "first internal pacification, then external resistance"? Or do you think Song was right to build her life around opposing this?

Chiang Kai-shek's policy resulted in the wholesale takeover of China by the oppressive Communist regime. He retreated with a small government to Formosa/Taiwan and ruled with martial law until his death. Chiang's purge "White Terror" of Communists in Shanghai in 1927 likely contributed to the rise and resistance of the Red Army and entrenchment of communism. His "internal pacification" was not peaceful nor bloodless. He had more in common with Mao than Gandhi.


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