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To Capture What We Cannot Keep

This love story set against the construction of the Eiffel Tower is "vibrant and...
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What is your overall opinion of this book?

Created: 10/31/17

Replies: 6

Posted Oct. 31, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
donnac's Gravatar

Join Date: 03/26/14

Posts: 139

What is your overall opinion of this book?

Strong plot? Relatable characters? Do they feel true to their era?

Posted Oct. 31, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
mary anner

Join Date: 10/31/17

Posts: 1

RE: What is your overall opinion of this book?

I had trouble getting into the book--I tend to read mysteries- but as I read I grew to love Cait. She is a strong women developed in an unusual way. I loved the history described throughout the story. there was much research involved in this book. I went to the Eiffel tower website to get a feel of the structure and the views that can be seen now from it. this helped me to visualize better what her characters experienced.

I think the author writes beautifully. It is a touching love story.

Posted Oct. 31, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/26/11

Posts: 91

RE: What is your overall opinion of this book?

I truly loved this book. I visited Paris for the first time this past summer and saw the Eiffel tower though I did not ascend it. I did not even know that there was a restaurant in it and now, I want to return and experience that, even though I know it must be costly and I have a fear of heights. I loved the details of its construction and was drawn into this and the whole Parisian scene. I also appreciated the references to the Panama Canal as I knew that the French had tried to build it first and had had to abandon their venture. The author did a very good job of invoking the background of the Louvre, also.

I believe that the characters of the book were individually strongly portrayed. I would not have minded a bit more about Delphine as she appeared to be such a trapped innocent.

Posted Oct. 31, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

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RE: What is your overall opinion of this book?

Ritah - I'm with you when it comes to heights so I thought you might enjoy the Eiffel Tower restaurant website. You can get a glimpse of the champagne bar on the third level with none of the vertigo or travel expense :)

Posted Nov. 01, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/18/11

Posts: 68

RE: What is your overall opinion of this book?

I vacillated. At times the story intrigued me while other times I felt the author had to manipulate plot and even characters to fit the story. However using the struggles and successes of building of the Eiffel Tower to complement the personal struggles of the characters worked well.

Posted Nov. 01, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/26/17

Posts: 4

RE: What is your overall opinion of this book?

I love the book. I too have been to Paris years ago and enjoyed reading all the history. Mostly I loved Cait and how strong a woman she was in the book. I would highly recommend reading the book.

Posted Nov. 06, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/12/15

Posts: 188

RE: What is your overall opinion of this book?

I also had a hard time getting into the story. I would also have liked more "history" than was given. I wondered about Emile and if he was based on a true historical person, or just a character to forward the story. It was more about him, than Eiffel. What is known about Eiffel ? When the tower was completed, what role did it play at the World's Faire? I did like the characters, the love story, and the issues of class in Paris. I think I just wanted more than that


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