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An intimate, powerful, and inspiring memoir by the former First Lady of the ...
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How did Michelle Obama choose to approach the role of First Lady? If you were in charge of writing the job description for the First Lady, what would you include and exclude?

Created: 01/01/19

Replies: 4

Posted Jan. 01, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

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How did Michelle Obama choose to approach the role of First Lady? If you were in charge of writing the job description for the First Lady, what would you include and exclude?

As Michelle Obama notes, First Lady is a role without a job description. How did Michelle Obama choose to approach the role?

If you were in charge of writing the job description for the First Lady, what would you include and exclude?

Posted Jan. 11, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/21/11

Posts: 264

RE: How did Michelle Obama choose to approach the role of First Lady? If you were in charge of writing the job description for the First Lady, what would you include and exclude?

I think Michelle Obama was extraordinarily savvy in forging her role as first lady. As the first African American FLOTUS, I think she was keenly aware that the bar was set (unfairly) higher. She seemed to make none of the faux pas of a few of her predecessors. Hillary Clinton was criticized for being overly involved in governing and Nancy Reagan was criticized for her seeming preoccupation with fashion and other frivolous pursuits. In her words, Michelle Obama purposely stayed far away from the governing mechanics but I think where she chose to spend her time were brilliant areas: youth obesity and opportunities for young women and other individuals from minority groups. Not only is is hard to criticize time spent on those areas, she was also highly visible.

Posted Jan. 12, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/16/10

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RE: How did Michelle Obama choose to approach the role of First Lady? If you were in charge of writing the job description for the First Lady, what would you include and exclude?

I think Paula K. said it perfectly. Being a very logical, organized person, Mrs. Obama tackled the role with a lot of thought, looking at what previous First Ladies did right and wrong. She chose work that was near and dear to her heart as well as impactful.

Posted Jan. 12, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/16/14

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RE: How did Michelle Obama choose to approach the role of First Lady? If you were in charge of writing the job description for the First Lady, what would you include and exclude?

Remember you are NOT the elected official, yet, you must follow a certain protocol since you do represent the Country whenever you appear in public. You do not need to appear in public, except when you want to appe r and you need not take on any pet programs. Remember that no matter what choices you make--to be a public personage or private , to be active and support a pet cause or to pursue your own interests privately--you will ALWAYS be subject to criticism and unfair judgement about everything. There will be supporters--who may or may not be honest in their support --and detractors, some of whom will be strident and cruel.

Just be yourself, handle the next four or eight years in a way that makes you happy and forget about all the words said or written about you and concentrate on the words and encouragement from those who you know love and treasure you. Once the four or eight years are over, they are over,

Posted Jan. 19, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
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RE: How did Michelle Obama choose to approach the role of First Lady? If you were in charge of writing the job description for the First Lady, what would you include and exclude?

For so many reasons, Michele Obama's deliberateness and thoughtfulness to her approach of her role as First Lady was essential and admirable. She reminds us and proudly proclaims that her and Barack made it through 8 years in the White House without a scandal which is amazing and in such contrast to our current White House. That did not happen by chance. I suspect no other First Lady has navigated this role as cautiously and carefully and successfully as Michelle Obama - what a triumph.


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