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An intimate, powerful, and inspiring memoir by the former First Lady of the ...
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Mrs. Obama's grandfather filled his house with music and makeshift speakers and merriment. Years later, she would fill the White House with music and culture. How do early memories leave an imprint on us?

Created: 01/01/19

Replies: 9

Posted Jan. 01, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

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Mrs. Obama's grandfather filled his house with music and makeshift speakers and merriment. Years later, she would fill the White House with music and culture. How do early memories leave an imprint on us?

In "Becoming", we get to know the constellation of Michelle Obama's extended family through her eyes. Her grandfather Southside filled his house with music and makeshift speakers and merriment. Years later, Michelle Obama would fill the White House with music and culture through live performances and several programs aimed at children. How do those kinds of early memories leave an imprint on us as we grow older?

What were the sights and smells that you remember from visiting grandparents or other elders, and how have they left a mark on you?

Posted Jan. 11, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/28/16

Posts: 56

RE: Mrs. Obama's grandfather filled his house with music and makeshift speakers and merriment. Years later, she would fill the White House with music and culture. How do early memories leave an imprint on us?

I think we benefit from having musical and artistic experiences from our grandparents, parents and other relatives. The early memories often encourage an enthusiasm for music and art for the rest of our lives.

Posted Jan. 12, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/25/11

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RE: Mrs. Obama's grandfather filled his house with music and makeshift speakers and merriment. Years later, she would fill the White House with music and culture. How do early memories leave an imprint on us?

I loved this part of the book, and felt a connection to her love for her grandfather. I think our early memories live on through our feelings and emotions. That one song, smell or taste that can transport us back. We also connect through the family traditions that we continue throughout our lives.

Posted Jan. 12, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/10/17

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RE: Mrs. Obama's grandfather filled his house with music and makeshift speakers and merriment. Years later, she would fill the White House with music and culture. How do early memories leave an imprint on us?

I also had a grandfather who was very special to me even though he died when I was very young. I still have some cherished memories of times with him. I think those feelings bolster you up when you have difficult times.

Posted Jan. 12, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/16/14

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RE: Mrs. Obama's grandfather filled his house with music and makeshift speakers and merriment. Years later, she would fill the White House with music and culture. How do early memories leave an imprint on us?

Sitting on my Dad's lap while he tried to read a magazine and pestering him constantly to tell me what the pictures were. Instead of losing patience, he taught me to sound out the captions--most often it was the New York State Conservationist that I remember--probably the pictures of animals--but I learned to read before going to Kindergarten and have been a avid reader all my life. In addition, I majored in biology in college and spent my life teaching high school biology among other sciences--those scientific names I sounded out as a toddler sure made an imprint.

I was also fortunate enough to grow up in Manhattan and was taken to, the circus, the movies, the ballet, stage shows on Broadway and numerous art and nature museums---I've loved the arts all my life and took my daughter to as many live offerings as were available in Vt, and Boston. I taught her the words to Gershwin songs before she went to school. She is a reader, loves music of all sorts and museums etc now as an adult.

I was imprinted by many things and having been, I imprinted my daughter as well.

Posted Jan. 12, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/11/15

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RE: Mrs. Obama's grandfather filled his house with music and makeshift speakers and merriment. Years later, she would fill the White House with music and culture. How do early memories leave an imprint on us?

I also grew up with lots of music in the house, and I love still listening to music and singing all the time (my poor husband!), and tinkling around on the piano. I was also raised with lots of newspaper and books which led to a lifelong love of reading and a career in journalism. What children are surrounded by as they grow is so vitally important! I wish more parents would realize that and expose their kids to as many wonderful things as possible.

Posted Jan. 13, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/03/14

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RE: Mrs. Obama's grandfather filled his house with music and makeshift speakers and merriment. Years later, she would fill the White House with music and culture. How do early memories leave an imprint on us?

My family loved reading - books were everywhere, the library was a special outing with my grandmother, the bookstore a special treat from my grandfather. I am still an avid reader and tried very hard to instill the same love of books in my children - and it was working until they discovered the internet....
The other special family memory is Lake life - spending summers at the lake, in cottages that were barely a step up from shacks, was a huge part of both my childhood and my parents'. We now have a cottage on a lake and my children spent their summers there - learning to swim, canoe, and just chill. Here too the "devices" have intruded, sadly, but we all still run to the dock to see the new-born ducklings, listen to our Loon, or count the tadpoles!

Posted Jan. 13, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/28/11

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RE: Mrs. Obama's grandfather filled his house with music and makeshift speakers and merriment. Years later, she would fill the White House with music and culture. How do early memories leave an imprint on us?

Pleasant memories stay with us forever. Past events can always put us in a good place when we think about them or relive them. I loved that she wanted to preserve her grandfather's life in her family life.

Posted Jan. 17, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/31/17

Posts: 69

RE: Mrs. Obama's grandfather filled his house with music and makeshift speakers and merriment. Years later, she would fill the White House with music and culture. How do early memories leave an imprint on us?

I grew up with Aunts and Uncles near my own age, music was a major part of my childhood. We all loved to dance together, I got my first Beatles album from my Uncle Tom who didn't really care for it!!! Music is one of life's many diverse arts that can change a mood, perk you up or soothe your sadness. I would have loved her grandfather, he brought a very valuable gift into his family which lasts forever. I still have very fond memories of family and friends that influenced my love of music.

Posted Jan. 23, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/04/15

Posts: 41

RE: Mrs. Obama's grandfather filled his house with music and makeshift speakers and merriment. Years later, she would fill the White House with music and culture. How do early memories leave an imprint on us?

Our appreciation for many things is "as much caught as taught," as the saying goes. Sometimes we discover something new and dive right in, experiencing things we have never imagined, but often what we absorb as children remains important to us forever. Mrs. Obama was fortunate that music was such a big part of her childhood!


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