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Daughters of Smoke and Fire

A blisteringly powerful tale of standing up to oppression and terror ... [a] ...
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How did Leila change throughout the novel as a result of her experiences? 

Created: 08/12/21

Replies: 5

Posted Aug. 12, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

How did Leila change throughout the novel as a result of her experiences? 

How did Leila change throughout the novel as a result of her experiences? Do you think she would have made the same choices and pursued the same goals if Chia hadn't died?

Posted Aug. 12, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Marcia S

Join Date: 02/08/16

Posts: 537

RE: How did Leila change&...

Leila definitely became stronger and more able to stand on her own. She learned to speak out and support her brother by getting his writings out. I don't think she would have been able to leave and go to Canada had she not learned to stand up for herself. She also found a way to follow her dream of film-making by escaping.

Posted Aug. 12, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/12/16

Posts: 259

RE: How did Leila change&...

She went from being a weak, typical Kurdish female, to a bold and courageous woman who was able to speak out for herself and her brother. Although she was often still fearful on the inside, she portrayed herself as being strong on the outside. Even being able to get a job at the coffee shop when she didn't speak English very well, was a sign of how far she had come in her confidence level.

Posted Aug. 19, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Patricia Ann

Join Date: 05/24/21

Posts: 101

RE: How did Leila change&...

Leila changed throughout the book. At the beginning, she was young and did not know how to navigate in the world. She learned from others and grew in confidence. Later, she had a determined drive to help her brother and to alert the world to the injustices that the Kurds experienced. I was moved by the way that poetry gave her comfort and courage and how Chia and other prisoners gained solace from reciting poetry.

Posted Aug. 20, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 11/05/17

Posts: 18

RE: How did Leila change&...

Leila admired her friend Shiler but knew she did not want to follow her pathway. That just didn’t seem safe to her. Leila had a lot of alone time to think and process her situation. As she dealt with her father’s torture, her brothers writing, and her love for poetry, and other injustices that took place in her country, she developed strength to make the decision to take the risk to move to Canada and move on with her life. There she found the personal strengths to continue her filmmaking and tell her story.

Posted Aug. 29, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/23/11

Posts: 128

RE: How did Leila change&...

Leila felt unloved and undesirable and only gained self worth from her devoted brother Chia. With his imprisonment she was forced to look beyond herself and following more of Shiler's and Joanna's model of independence and strength began to work for her brother's release. This was the start of her struggle to find out who she was and gain her full independence. She became stronger after her brother's demise and when she had to work for her freedom.


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