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The War Nurse

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What did you think of Marie Curie's presence in the novel?

Created: 07/08/21

Replies: 22

Posted Jul. 08, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

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What did you think of Marie Curie's presence in the novel?

What did you think of Marie Curie's presence in the novel? Did you know about her romantic past? Did you feel sympathy for her when she revealed this past to Julia?

Posted Jul. 08, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Marcia S

Join Date: 02/08/16

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

I thought it was a bit strange that she was in the novel, and was also offering advice to Julia. She seemed to warn Julia not to get involved, yet Marie had been involved with someone herself. I don't think Marie should have been put down for her romance, but considering the times, a lot of that was because she was a woman.

Posted Jul. 08, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

It felt unlikely, but I do not know enough about Marie Curie’s actions during WWI to judge.

Posted Jul. 09, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/19/12

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

Her presence seemed odd to me -- particularly her tendency to offer personal advice to someone she's just met. I suppose it fit in time-wise with the development of the use of radiation, but I did not think it added much to the story.

Posted Jul. 09, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

Contrived, though I do not know anything at all about Marie Curie's movements during the war.

Posted Jul. 09, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

I agree that it was strange and did not add to the story.

Posted Jul. 09, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/19/20

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

Yes, it could be considered strange to have Marie Curie and her daughter in the novel but Marie like Julia was fighting for her recognition and importance in the war effort, especially her discovery of radium and delivery of mobile X-Ray machines to the battlefields. Talking with Marie did encourage Julia to pursue her innovations in patient care. So that part fit into the novel. The romance part is more questionable but does add a human interest dimension.

Posted Jul. 10, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/27/18

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

I thought it was interesting having Marie Curie in the story as another female leader in science. She was encouraging to Julia in her nursing career. It was interesting how she tried to persuade Julia not to get involved romantically with the doctor because of how a relationship interfered with her career.

Posted Jul. 10, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/25/21

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

I felt like it kind of came out of nowhere. But I did enjoy Marie Curie sharing her perspective with Julia as a female professional in a sea of men.

Posted Jul. 11, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

I found it quite contrived! It was interesting to find out how they used X-rays in the field but having her visits and love life revealed was weird!

Posted Jul. 11, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

I felt like it was simply a way to introduce a strong woman. I find it very unlikely that she would make more than one visit.

Posted Jul. 11, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

I did not particularly care for Marie Curie's part in the novel. I thought the aspect of her discovery and help with radiation made sense medically, but her advice to Julia on personal terms seemed superfluous at best.

Posted Jul. 12, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/14/12

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

I thought it was superfluous…but it did lead me to read more about Marie Curie.

Posted Jul. 12, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/14/13

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

I agree that it was a historical stretch, but her area of expertise on radiology provided a small scientific subplot.

Posted Jul. 12, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

I thought it was unnecessary, totally irrelevant to the story other than a scientific woman relating her romantic misadventures to another woman in the field of science. This did inspire me to read more about her after I finished the novel. I did not feel her involvement with Julia was genuine. Definitely contrived.

Posted Jul. 12, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

I did not think it was odd she was included in the book. She was bringing them radon and also finding out about the use of x-rays in the field. She was a bit strange but, people of her importance tend to be that way. I found it odd she considered Julia a friend and then bid her goodbye.

Posted Jul. 13, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/14/19

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

Both Marie Curie and Julia Stimson fight for recognition and to be taken seriously. Inserting Curie into the story may not have made a lot of sense otherwise. Still, it shows the difficulties women faced---and often still face.

Posted Jul. 13, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/29/16

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

I'm on the fence. It was both odd and interesting, though I'm not sure it enhanced the plot enough to be included.

Posted Jul. 20, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

It seemed forced- I wondered if it were true that she involved herself with worrying about their relationship- seemed like she would have more to occupy her attention

Posted Jul. 20, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/23/15

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

I thought it was out of place, unless historically it was correct that she visited the field hospital and the author put it in the novel. It was interesting to how far we have come with technology

Posted Jul. 21, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
taking.mytime's Gravatar

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

I believe that Curie did travel to various outposts during the war. Her inclusion into this novel was a small but significant part. She represented another strong woman of sizable reputation for Julia to feed off of. Her personal remarks to Julia though I find highly suspect.

Posted Jul. 28, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/16/18

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

I felt as if it interrupted the flow of the narrative...felt contrived.

Posted Aug. 12, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/25/13

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RE: What did you think of Marie Curie&#...

I do not know if Marie Curie actually visited hospitals during the war. I would have to look that up. I did not find it strange that she did, I did learn some things about x-rays, etc. used during the war. I did find it unusual that she would come to visit and not knowing Julia before, she would start giving her advice about her life.


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