Do you see parallels between how we are living now to the world of Orwell's 1984? How about parallels to past world events?
If you've read "1984", does "Julia" introduce different parallels?
Created: 11/30/23
Replies: 10
Join Date: 10/15/10
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Do you see parallels between how we are living now to the world of Orwell's 1984? How about parallels to past world events?
If you've read "1984", does "Julia" introduce different parallels?
Join Date: 03/13/12
Posts: 564
A parallel between Orwell's 1984 and now can be seen in developed nation's leaders orchestrating the assassination of leaders they don't like in smaller nations, "influencing" the election results for the person they think will be best for the the developed nation to have access to natural resources that the developed nation wants. This question is a volatile one in the United States at the moment. For example, reproduction rights with predominantly one gender, one race, and one generation of politicians changing things which affect women. A.K.A. Big Brother knows what is right. Another issue: quality of life. There is at least one state in the USA where voters approved "death with dignity"/assisted suicide and one person (a governor) vetoed it because it is against his religion. Yet we do not criticize anyone for putting down an animal on a farm or a pet in a home who is suffering, in tremendous pain, and has no hope of recovering. This seems to be an element of Big Brother knows what best. As for parallels to past world events, look at some cruel and ruthless dictators that developed nations were glad to help get into power when it seemed like those men would just be puppets of the developed nation. (Then sometimes, the developed nations have to turn around and "silence" them as well.) The nightly news on television can be depressing - just like the world of 1984- even if most of us here on this discussion board are living lives of relative safety and happiness.
Join Date: 02/09/23
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Join Date: 09/13/23
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There are more parallels than I thought I could possibly see in my lifetime. The Two-Minute Hates are alive and well everywhere in social media in 2023. The nightly news is full of people of one class, one religion, one country, being discriminated against. Like in 1984 and Julia, no class of people are free from persecution. The recent Israeli - Palestinian war is reminiscent of the conflict between Big Brother and the Brotherhood. We see at the end of Julia that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Until we see that everyone, no matter who they are, where they come from, where they live, what God they worship, what sexual identify they claim, deserve to be treated with the same respect we think we deserve, these parallels will continue to thrive.
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I'm not so sure Julia introduces new parallels so much as re-emphasizes the same old ones. The parallels are often missed in a country that feels like it is doing as well as it always has, and that it's the best there is. Warnings come when we are most likely to miss them or not heed them because they are not deemed necessary.
Join Date: 04/15/12
Posts: 154
I do see parallels unfortunately. When I first read 1984 more than 50 years ago I thought of the book in the context of purely fiction and had the attitude “this can’t happen here.” Maybe in other countries but not in America. I find the deep divisions, lack of civility, feminine subservience especially in the inability to control one’s body and power of social media frightening. Orwell could not have foreseen all that has happened just in my lifetime but the banning of books, authoritarianism, and politically correct speech are just a few very troubling aspects of life today.
Join Date: 02/05/16
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Far too many—but I must disagree with Lyris who asserts the government engages in censorship and can’t be questioned. I see plenty of questioning and challenge going on. And plenty of demonstrably false information and “Two Minute Hates” on social media. Perhaps Lyris might provide specifics. The difference between information and disinformation is whether truth claims are supported with facts.
Join Date: 12/22/11
Posts: 154
Unfortunately, there are too many parallels/traits bin etween the worlds of 1984 and Julia. There are those in charge and everyone else and how those not in charge believe that with some stroke of luck they can move up to those who are in charge but so few will. We are now living in times where there is an ever increasing surveillance, increasingly more book bans, more two minute hate situations. More and more those in charge do not have to follow the same rules as everyday people. And more and more people are distrustful of their governments at all levels and thus are participating less and less.
Join Date: 07/24/11
Posts: 253
I did see parallels to 1984. I actually went so far as to tell my local book club that we are living in 1984. Blind devotion to a person is never a good thing. We do live in a world where people are labelled and put into categories. Too many people are following a former leader, and I use that word even though leading is not what he did or does. Hate is what he does, so it is very easy to see us going down the path that is 1984.
Join Date: 02/25/19
Posts: 124
I agree with scottishrose. Blind devotion to any person, regardless of party or politics, is never a good thing. Combine that with the other obvious parallels between that "former leader" and Big Brother's desire to couch anything that dares oppose them as vile, and the parallels are pretty much unavoidable. It is the kind of stuff that can keep me awake at night if I think about it too much.
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