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Miracle Creek

A thrilling debut novel about how far we'll go to protect our families, and our ...
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In what ways do you think Young, Pak, and Mary changed after they immigrated to the United States? Do you think the move was ultimately a positive change, or a negative one, and why?

Created: 04/16/20

Replies: 1

Posted Apr. 16, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

In what ways do you think Young, Pak, and Mary changed after they immigrated to the United States? Do you think the move was ultimately a positive change, or a negative one, and why?

In what ways do you think Young, Pak, and Mary changed, both individually and as a family, after they immigrated to the United States? Do you think the move was ultimately a positive change, or a negative one, and why?

Posted Apr. 21, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/23/13

Posts: 142

RE: In what ways do you think Young, Pak, and Mary changed after they immigrated to the United States? Do you think the move was ultimately a positive change, or a negative one, and why?

Since we don’t meet them until they are already in the United States, it’s hard to compare the way they were before immigrating. But from what they all expressed, it seems like they were happier in Korea. Young had to work constantly leaving Mary alone all the time. This definitely had a negative impact on their lives.


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