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Five Days

"A brilliant meditation on regret, fidelity, family, and second chances that ...
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Laura and Richard both dwell on what direction their lives might have taken. What is your "possible" life story?

Created: 05/03/13

Replies: 8

Posted May. 03, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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Laura and Richard both dwell on what direction their lives might have taken. What is your "possible" life story?

Laura and Richard both dwell on what direction their lives might have taken if only Eric hadn't died or Richard had left with Sarah. What is your "possible" life story?

Posted May. 08, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/16/11

Posts: 22

RE: Laura and Richard both dwell on what direction their lives might have taken. What is your "possible" life story?

My life is my life...I take a look at the past but I do not stare.. I have a couple of regrets and they have to do with raising children...but other than a few changes in parenting, I am very grateful for all that life has laid at my feet...some of it luck, some hard work, and some of it genetic...

Posted May. 13, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Navy Mom

Join Date: 04/12/12

Posts: 294

RE: Laura and Richard both dwell on what direction their lives might have taken. What is your "possible" life story?

Many of the things in my life just happened... but I did make some big decisions (like a divorce early on) but once I had children I found that a lot of my decisions had to do with what was right for them and what worked for us as a family. Selflessness took over during child rearing days and now that they are functioning adults, how can I look back and say I should have done something for myself. Doesn't really work.

Posted May. 14, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 12/04/11

Posts: 63

RE: Laura and Richard both dwell on what direction their lives might have taken. What is your "possible" life story?

I look back and can see forks in the road where I had to choose one path or another. Fortunately for me I can look back and say that given the choices I had, I have no regrets.

Posted May. 24, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/14/12

Posts: 111

RE: Laura and Richard both dwell on what direction their lives might have taken. What is your "possible" life story?

Oh boy, I am one of those people who spend a bit too much time in the past. I dream of going back to when I was 5yrs old knowing some basic things that I have learned,lol. But choices - I got pregnant at 16, my choice would have been not to let my boyfriend pressure me into sex. Next choice to chg, not get pressured by all the parents into "having" to get married. I could go on and on with poor choices in my life and GOOD excuses,lol. My dream life would have included getting a good education and a professional job. Being treated and treating myself with respect. Getting married to a partner and loving parent.. Dreams, dreams, dreams.

Posted May. 27, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/24/13

Posts: 14

RE: Laura and Richard both dwell on what direction their lives might have taken. What is your "possible" life story?

Laura and Richard both dwell on what direction their lives might have taken, because of a traumatic event, in Laura's case and a "road not taken" in Richard's case. They both had a hard time letting go of what might have happened in their lives had these events not taken place. They had a very difficult time dealing with regrets and going on with their lives. Their outlook colored much of what they did thereafter. My life has not really been like that. I am the kind of person who puts a lot of thought into important decisions, even too much sometimes, for it can be too hard to make up my mind sometimes, but I have rarely have had major regrets. My only regrets come in the form of things I had no knowledge of at the time, like not realizing I was depressed, or wishing I'd had more self confidence. But I try to work on those things when they come up and go forward with my life, rather than focus on what might have been different in the past which I cannot now change.

Posted May. 27, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/21/11

Posts: 338

RE: Laura and Richard both dwell on what direction their lives might have taken. What is your "possible" life story?

kathleenb, start by being good to yourself today. God bless

Posted May. 27, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/21/11

Posts: 338

RE: Laura and Richard both dwell on what direction their lives might have taken. What is your "possible" life story?

I think its possible for most of us to look back and think what if, what if? but it does little good and I believe everything I have done, every decision I have made had made me who I am so I am not sure I would be able to change anything

Posted May. 30, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/12/12

Posts: 298

RE: Laura and Richard both dwell on what direction their lives might have taken. What is your "possible" life story?

I agree with rebajane. Plus, you can never know what chain reaction would have been started if even just one little thing had been different. Could be the outcome you imagine wouldn't match the reality.


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