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The Half-Life of Everything

A beautifully written and uplifting debut novel.
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David is involved with two women at once

Created: 02/18/19

Replies: 4

Posted Feb. 18, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/08/14

Posts: 69

David is involved with two women at once

When the novel opens and we learn about Kate's downspiraling because of Alzheimers and then instituionalization, I found that I had much empathy and admiration for David. However, by the second half of the novel, I disrepected david on some level. Anyone have the same feelings?

Posted Feb. 20, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/04/15

Posts: 129

RE: David is involved with two women at once

Yes, by the end I thought he was, basically, a dog. A history professor with no skills for regular life (insurance forms, cars, home maintenance, gardening, technology) - what would be the attraction that would make 2 women, represented as educated and intelligent, be willing to both be his other? And the women scheduling his nights - did that make him seem like a bit of a door mat? Aside from a penis, what was it he brought into this arrangement?

Posted Feb. 24, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
teacher reader

Join Date: 02/14/18

Posts: 64

RE: David is involved with two women at once

I felt differently about David. I think he was very intelligent, but not good at running a house. Obviously he and Kate had an arrangement about "who did what" that was working well before she became ill. I think he did well just to visit Kate regularly and keep the boys on an even keel. He was a kind and thoughtful person which is what attracted both women to him. I think he was uncomfortable with the arrangement that developed, but I don't blame him for participating in it.

Posted Feb. 28, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/08/14

Posts: 69

RE: David is involved with two women at once

I was sympathetic to david at first -- the model husband and father. Understandably, he's human and he found a woman without actually looking for one. But I grew might impatient with him and the two women as the novel moved along. No one could make a definitive choice. It's like that all coasted along. It would have been impressive if just one character said, "I want more. I need to be with someone who is 100% with me." It's like everyone was at a smorgasbord tasting as suiting them but not looking at any larger picture.

Posted Mar. 07, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/25/16

Posts: 192

RE: David is involved with two women at once

Leah, I disagree that no one made a definitive choice. They all three made the choice to be together in an unconventional relationship. It seemed to me that the women were more comfortable with it than David, however. He offered, on more than one occasion, to give Jane up completely if Kate becomes unhappy. Remember, too, this was Kate's idea, not David's. I think initially sharing David with Jane took some of the pressure off Kate, as she was trying to figure out who she was and how to "be back". I believe the fact that Jane and Kate forged a true friendship with each other was what made it all work for them.


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