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The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek

A story of raw courage, fierce strength, and one woman's belief that books can ...
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Overall, what do you think of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek?

Created: 08/26/19

Replies: 48

Posted Sep. 14, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/16/19

Posts: 14

RE: Overall, what do you think of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek?

I liked the book a lot. I was not familiar with the blue people or the Pack House Librarians. I was mortified by the way Cussy and Queenie were treated by the fellow librarians and residents. I also felt the devotion from her readers made her job very important to her. I waited to do the research until after I finished the book but think it would have been better to do it up front. As a young person growing up in a small town without a library, we loved the book mobile which came once a week!

Posted Sep. 15, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/04/15

Posts: 41

RE: Overall, what do you think of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek?

The character of Cussy is endearing. She is gentle and full of compassion and also possesses incredible strength. The backstory about the "blue people" of Kentucky is fascinating. I also loved the highlighting of the wonderful work of the Pack Horse Librarians, true heroes to the mountain people of Kentucky.

Posted Sep. 20, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/03/12

Posts: 251

RE: Overall, what do you think of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek?

I was reluctant to read the book after it arrived, I somehow thought that it would be more lightweight. But read I did and I am so glad I did. I immediately googled the history of the "blue people" and was fascinated. When I read books about librarians and other booklovers, I am always rooting for those who bring literacy to others, especially under difficult circumstances. This book was an absolute winner for me.

Posted Sep. 21, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/14/19

Posts: 208

RE: Overall, what do you think of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek?

I loved The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek. I was mesmerized by the story of the horse/mule back librarians and the blue people. I did know a little about the WPA librarians, but nothing about the blue people. I chose this book for my book club to discuss in Nov and am looking forward to leading the discussion.

Posted Sep. 22, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/04/16

Posts: 20

RE: Overall, what do you think of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek?

As many other readers agreed , this is a fascinating book which tells of the times that Cassy lived in , which had changed so little in decades. The unusual medical skin condition was unknown to me and the cure was brutal. I found the descriptions of discrimination by her community matched some of the experiences of people in todays world and how bravely and intelligently Cassie handled her difference.
The story moved swiftly and keeps the reader enthralled to the end.

Posted Sep. 22, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/19/19

Posts: 7

RE: Overall, what do you think of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek?

This has been favorite book I have read this year. The writing was so realistic, I learned an important part of our history that I was not aware of.
Many older ladies in the book group that I run at my library have often said historical fiction novels can have difficult subject matter, nevertheless, they are important sources to learn our history.
Not only did I learn about the horseback librarian movement, but also that dreadful blood disease that inflicted Cussy as well as other folks.

Posted Sep. 23, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/02/13

Posts: 43

RE: Overall, what do you think of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek?

I think it was a great book. This was a totally new set of information. I was aware of WPA programs b ut had know knowledge of this group of people in KY. We need a new WPA to be a safety blanket in these trying timesl Not only did the WPA give work to deserving people in the least served areas but helped to shine a light o n the depth of the suffering in this country.

Posted Sep. 24, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 11/07/18

Posts: 8

RE: Overall, what do you think of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek?

I will be the second person to only give it 4 stars. I agree with most of what everyone else is saying that learning about the "Blue" people and the Pack Horse Library Project was interesting, and it wasn't badly written but it did not attain the lofty heights of "News of the World". Too much of the story was formulaic and her patrons (for the most part) were just too thankful. I found the bit about Henry and the Lifesaver to be a bit of a tearjerker. I just didn't know who would die, Pa or the mule.

Posted Oct. 04, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/08/18

Posts: 8

RE: Overall, what do you think of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek?

I loved it! It was a beautiful story about a misfit that was unwed, poor, the wrong color and driving a pack mule delivering mail and books to those that lived in the remote hills of Kentucky. She held no grudges, continued to love those she served and tried to love those that did not love her back. A have a new hero named Cussy Mary!

Posted Oct. 07, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/13/18

Posts: 244

RE: Overall, what do you think of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek?

The two premises of the book, the pack horse librarians and the Blue People of Kentucky, were both novel and intriguing and the story line was good. I did find the book to overall be somewhat above average, and can rate it good, but not very good. There were gaps in the story; suddenly at the end of the story Jackson is asking for Cussy's hand in marriage. I was also disappointed that Junia, Cussy's mule, who had been such a vital part of the story, was completely forgotten at the end of the book. She deserved more than that. It felt like the author had been given so many pages to write her story in and so had to cut the story off and get to the end fast.

I did learn a lot about the pack horse librarian program, the Blue People, herbalism, etc. The author was excellent in demonstrating the horrible poverty of the region, the furious blind prejudice of most of the white people, and the decimation of the land and people by the coal mining companies.

Posted Oct. 15, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/05/18

Posts: 263

RE: Overall, what do you think of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek?

I like the book and learned a lot about both the Pack Horse Librarians and "Blue" people. I have recommended to many.

Posted Oct. 16, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/14

Posts: 363

RE: Overall, what do you think of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek?

This is one of my favorite books of this year. In places I felt the plot was a bit over dramatic, but in contrast to that, it simply has so much going for it. First, it is educational, teaching readers about historical situationa many of us knew nothing about. Secondly, its protagonist is a strong, bright, hard working, kind young woman, one who suffers true rejection but does not allow herself to react negatively to it. I really celebrated when Cussy decided she did not need the pills offered by her doctor and came fully into herself by accepting her illness and loving herself in spite of it. I also deeply appreciated the love of books, literature, and poetry shared throughout this book, as well as the the importance and influence of the library system. It was an emotional read, and as I stated earlier, in places perhaps a bit to over the top, but the characters we meet are so well drawn, their voices so strong and genuine, their conversations so true, the plot so engaging, the writing full of beautiful and descriptive phrases - this book is first rate and a treasure!

Posted Nov. 06, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/31/19

Posts: 5

RE: Overall, what do you think of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek?

I have new appreciation for the meaning of "No Coloreds" I was not aware of this aspect of FDR's programs. I love fiction that teaches me about U.S. history.

Posted Nov. 07, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/18/11

Posts: 68

RE: Overall, what do you think of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek?

What a delightful book! The novel took me into a world that was in most ways unfamiliar to me. Even though I have traveled extensively in the Deep South, I have never lived there. Cussey Marie Carter reminded me of how difficult it can be to not "belong". When my husband and I moved from Minnesota to attend graduate school at Oklahoma State University our adjustment was made easier because we lived on campus and I was able to teach as a graduate associate as well as take classes. Our next move took us to Plainview, Texas and another time of adjustments. Now, years later I can look back at those times and realize how they helped me to grow to appreciate those differences. Thus I could sympathize with Cussey Marie and understand her in a way I would not have been able to do had those changes in my own life not occurred.

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