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If the Creek Don't Rise

A debut novel bursting with heart, honesty, and homegrown grit.
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This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

Created: 10/09/17

Replies: 20

Posted Oct. 09, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

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This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

Posted Oct. 29, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/18/15

Posts: 499

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

Yes, it did make the story more intimate. I felt each of the characters were personally telling me their story. What happened to them, and how it made them feel. I felt I was getting to know the characters and their personalities and deciding whether this was someone I would like to know.

Posted Oct. 29, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Tired Bookreader

Join Date: 08/19/11

Posts: 214

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

By telling this story in first person, the story is more intimate as we are actually in the heads of each character. Although one person could guess what others think or reasons why someone acted a certain way or even guess how actions effect another, the guesses could be wrong. Again, we can go back to interpretations; they are based on facts, but cannot be taken as gospel.

Posted Oct. 30, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/29/16

Posts: 217

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

I loved hearing the various voices. It felt like I was sitting in each person's kitchen listening to their secrets or reading their diaries. The effect was intimate and essential to creating the tension and atmosphere of the novel. Weiss did an amazing job capturing each character's voice and dialect. I loved the way she changed each character's grammar.

Posted Oct. 30, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 12/01/16

Posts: 292

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

Yes, I loved the way the story was presented! Without the background information of the characters it would leave the reader to make assumptions that may not be true to them. I can't tell you how many books I've read where I wished the author would have given more background information on each character.

Posted Oct. 30, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/03/12

Posts: 251

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

Yes, it did make it more intimate. Also, it gave the novel a sense of timelessness. I frequently forgot that the story took place in the '70s.

Posted Oct. 31, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/14

Posts: 363

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

First person narration is key to the success of this novel, and the author was wise to choose it. In doing so, she succeeded not only in creating live, round individuals for her reader, but as each of her characters comes alive in his or her own chapter, readers are seduced further as connections between characters is better understood. This narrative technique places the reader right in the middle of the action rather than hearing it second hand or standing off to the side observing. It is as if we are tramping right along side Birdie through the woods, or sitting at the table with Marris and Gladys, sitting inside Prudence's head as she judges. This is a powerful tool in the novel's success!

Posted Oct. 31, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/16/11

Posts: 410

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

I totally agree that this style is what made it all so real. The characters are a varied mix and hearing their own voice gave me a better understanding of who they were and how they conducted their lives. It also seems to me that first person is the only way to really understand a character and make them real. I also thank the author for doing it because it takes a real talent to carry a story, keep the pace and make it all flow smoothly when using so many voices.

Posted Nov. 01, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/02/17

Posts: 16

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

Yes, I agree, it added to the character and the reader gets more out of it. It gives uniqueness to each character and helps to make the story more intimate.

Posted Nov. 01, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/14/11

Posts: 119

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

The idea of writing in the first person for each character is not new but is very effective. It is as described above more intimate and revealing. However, I have to admit that stumbling over the written words of these people who barely speak English was tedious and slowed down the flow of the book. This book might be much better as an audio book wherein the voices would, like live rather than written Shakespeare, been much easier to comprehend. I had to force myself to continue reading the book and was grateful to the preacher and the teacher when their turns came.

Posted Nov. 05, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 11/05/17

Posts: 4

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

I loved the way the story was written. I couldn't put it down for long and it has stayed with me since I read it. I did love her dialogue as well, as I think it was done well. Changing from one character's opinion and story to the next one was done flawlessly. My favorite kind of read.

Posted Nov. 05, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/29/15

Posts: 146

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

I also think the book written in the first person, present tense did make the story more intimate. I felt I was having a conversation with each character except Roy and Billy. They were too evil. The author did do a great job keeping the flow of the story despite many voices. I have read other books where the author wrote in first person and each chapter was a different voice but I don't think they pulled it off as well.

Posted Nov. 05, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/22/12

Posts: 353

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

I agree with most of the others. Writing a book in the first person is a good method of drawing one in. It makes the characters more real. I think the way that this is usually conveyed in movies is where the persons thoughts are read aloud.

Posted Nov. 06, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/27/15

Posts: 146

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

First person, present tense is my favorite for novels so I very much enjoyed it. The characters have more depth when you're reading their first hand accounts. I don't think I would've enjoyed this book if the format was different or if the story was only told from the POV of one character.

Posted Nov. 06, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/21/11

Posts: 281

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

I agree with much of what previously has been said. I also believe that because each prominent character had an individual story as a chapter gave us deeper insight into their personality and of their position with the other individuals.

Posted Nov. 08, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/28/11

Posts: 96

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

Yes - it felt like you were living the story with them!

Posted Nov. 08, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/31/17

Posts: 17

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

I agree that this choice made the story very intimate. I often don't like shifting perspectives in novels because I feel they can disrupt the flow of the narrative, but Weiss managed to do this almost flawlessly by capturing each character's unique voice while still moving Sadie Blue's story forward. It was a risky choice to "inhabit" the voices of even the more unsavory characters but it helped to explain motives and made the story richer. I felt like I understood each character better by the end of the story.

Posted Nov. 08, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/16/13

Posts: 16

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

First person, present tense worked wonderfully here, mostly because the author used multiple POVs. That way, not only is the reader aware of what the chapter character knows and feels, but it also adds layers of understanding onto a situation like the frying of Walter...also, there is that immediate sense of connection with the harsher bits, and the heartbreaking bits, and all so well done. LOVED it.

Posted Nov. 10, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/23/15

Posts: 225

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

I liked the first person as I felt like they were speaking to me. Really like this book

Posted Nov. 20, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 11/20/17

Posts: 18

RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

I found that this author was able to create unique, compelling voices for 10 distinct characters, but she entwined the stories so beautifully and with such vivid imagery that I was captivated by each person's point of view.

Posted Nov. 24, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
taking.mytime's Gravatar

Join Date: 03/29/16

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RE: This book is written in first person, present tense. Did that choice by the author make the story more intimate? If so, in what ways?

I felt that by using first person, and by giving the characters their own chapters, we were able to learn a bit more about each of them. We were able to see life from their individual perspective - whether we agreed with it or not - it helped to bring each character to life.


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