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The Comfort of Lies

"The characters crackle with both intelligence and wit." - Kirkus
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The women cope with stress in different ways; which mechanism did you most relate to?

Created: 04/27/13

Replies: 10

Posted Apr. 27, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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The women cope with stress in different ways; which mechanism did you most relate to?

All these women are dealing with a great deal of stress, and each woman responds to it in different ways. Whose coping mechanisms did you most relate to?

Posted May. 20, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/28/11

Posts: 71

RE: The women cope with stress in different ways; which mechanism did you most relate to?

None of them really. I cope with stress by finding ways to relax at home (reading, doing crafts, etc) rather than obsessing, throwing myself into work, or drinking.

Posted May. 20, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/27/13

Posts: 23

RE: The women cope with stress in different ways; which mechanism did you most relate to?

Do you see possibilities for any of the characters to convert their coping mechanisms into healthier outlets like the ones you've suggested?

Posted May. 20, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/28/11

Posts: 71

RE: The women cope with stress in different ways; which mechanism did you most relate to?

Caroline could have easily done something like gone to a spa, read for fun, exercise (running, working out at a gym) because she certainly could have afforded it. Juliette could read, go for a drive, shop, do crafts (she certainly seemed creative enough). Tia could have and should have stopped feeling so sorry for herself and furthered her education to better herself rather than drinking.

Posted May. 21, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: The women cope with stress in different ways; which mechanism did you most relate to?

I really didn't relate to any of the women in the way that they coped with stress since I have different outlets for my stress which include crafting, reading, and zumba. While everyone copes with stress in different ways depending on the level of the stressor, it would certainly be a much healthier approach to find more constructive outlets to relieve their stress.

Posted May. 21, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: The women cope with stress in different ways; which mechanism did you most relate to?

I couldn't relate with any of the women or their coping skills. I certainly don't try drinking and sex with strangers (Tia) or over zealous work habits and thinking about living alone (Caroline). At least Juliette tried to focus on her sons when she wasn't trying to find out about her husband's love child.

Posted May. 21, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: The women cope with stress in different ways; which mechanism did you most relate to?

I could relate to all three women in the way that they coped with their stress.
Tia drank and sought affection in not-so-savory ways. I have battled bouts of borderline alcoholism to cope with my stresses. Alcohol has a funny way of leading you into trying to find affection in some not-so-savory ways. I have since, laid off the drinking.
Juliette ate to cope with her stress. I work at a convenience store. And I'm an emotional eater. As much as I try to keep it in check, it is hard to get through a rough day not using eating as a coping mechanism when food is literally surrounding you, haha.
Caroline turned to taking her pills to get through her rough patches. I am also guilty of taking the occasional pill to get through a day or night. I also try to keep these in check.

While crafting, reading, and doing zumba or yoga is much, much healthier than any of these things... I'm not perfect and sometimes if your stresses are that bad, taking the easy way out is so much more appealing, especially when it can be kept in moderation. Sometimes, crafting, reading, etc. is just too darn cheery and it can make you nauseous. Sometimes misery loves company and you can't identify with the crafters, readers, or zumba-goers. Sometimes you need someone else's healthy dose of reality to realize you're not that bad off. Only sometimes.

Posted May. 22, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: The women cope with stress in different ways; which mechanism did you most relate to?

Juliette hid the letter from Nathan while she thought about it. That is something I might do. I like to think things through so I know what I am dealing with. I make better decisions when I've had some time to think. If I'm too upset about something to sleep, I will take something to help me sleep.

Posted May. 22, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
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RE: The women cope with stress in different ways; which mechanism did you most relate to?

Yes. I related to Juliette. I definitely eat to manage my stress. None of the women's ways of coping helped but I could understand them.

Posted May. 23, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: The women cope with stress in different ways; which mechanism did you most relate to?

I related best to Juliette, but a bit in the opposite way. I have lived in some way with anorexia/overexercise compulsions since 1996. My way of coping is not eating and overexercising.

Posted Jun. 08, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 12/26/11

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RE: The women cope with stress in different ways; which mechanism did you most relate to?

I do tend to overeat when I am stressed or depressed like Juliette. But my biggest outlet is to talk to my girlfriends, go out to lunch/dinner with my husband, go to church and quiet time praying. The 3 women seemed to live so inside themselves. That is dangerous and will eat you alive.


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