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The Comfort of Lies

"The characters crackle with both intelligence and wit." - Kirkus
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What role did religion play in the novel? How does it affect Tia and Nathan, in particular?

Created: 04/27/13

Replies: 3

Posted Apr. 27, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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What role did religion play in the novel? How does it affect Tia and Nathan, in particular?

What role did religion play in the novel? How does it affect Tia and Nathan, in particular?

Posted May. 21, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/21/13

Posts: 3

RE: What role did religion play in the novel? How does it affect Tia and Nathan, in particular?

Religion, for Tia, was the prime reason she felt uncomfortable having an abortion. She believed in it politically, and for other women, but for her it was impossible.

Nathan, whose parents escaped from religious persecution (Jewish) found it impossible to celebrate the holidays that were important to his wife (such as Easter.)

Posted May. 23, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 12/17/12

Posts: 206

RE: What role did religion play in the novel? How does it affect Tia and Nathan, in particular?

Religion didn't seem to be important in the novel except that it affected Tina's decision to not have an abortion. Religion didn't seem to have much impact on anyone's daily life.

Posted Jun. 08, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 12/26/11

Posts: 17

RE: What role did religion play in the novel? How does it affect Tia and Nathan, in particular?

Tia's religion prevented her from terminating her pregnancy. I didn't feel that religion was a huge part of any of the character's lives. Nathan didn't want to celebrate Easter and made Juliette feel she couldn't either. More of his self-absorption.


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