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How did Moss's optimism set him apart from the other members of his family? How did it turn out to be his fatal flaw?

Created: 07/02/19

Replies: 10

Posted Jul. 02, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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How did Moss's optimism set him apart from the other members of his family? How did it turn out to be his fatal flaw?

How did Moss's optimism set him apart from the other members of his family? How did it turn out to be his fatal flaw?

Posted Jul. 08, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Tired Bookreader

Join Date: 08/19/11

Posts: 214

RE: How did Moss's optimism set him apart from the other members of his family? How did it turn out to be his fatal flaw?

Most people know that change in this world takes a long time (look at the way Congress works). Moss felt as the young people in the 60's and 70's thought...enough people wanting change could make it happen. Real change, enough to change the jaded minds of those wanting to keep things as they are, may take generations.

Posted Jul. 08, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/03/14

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RE: How did Moss's optimism set him apart from the other members of his family? How did it turn out to be his fatal flaw?

I think Moss wanted to see change, and to help bring on the change, but in doing so he forgot the people he was using to make this happen. He never stopped to think about what would happen when Len and Reg arrived at the Island - how would his family react and how would this affect his friends - they were not truly aware of how they would be received, nor were they aware of how the fact that they were stranded on an island would heighten the circumstances. The fact that the weekend involved a big party of people who have known one another for decades made it even worse. I knew something horrible would happen, Moss should have known better as well.

Posted Jul. 08, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/16/14

Posts: 387

RE: How did Moss's optimism set him apart from the other members of his family? How did it turn out to be his fatal flaw?

He envisioned a new social order and he decided to start it within his own inner circle by bringing Reg and Len to the Island. He was right--his family did nothing overt to show their bias--much too refined for that--but he was wrong--both men could see right through it and they paid the consequences of his naivete--though he paid the highest price

Posted Jul. 08, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/02/13

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RE: How did Moss's optimism set him apart from the other members of his family? How did it turn out to be his fatal flaw?

He was the most human character for me. At his core, he was a decent person trying to understand the world and the motivations of the people in it. Good and bad.

Posted Jul. 09, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/31/19

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RE: How did Moss's optimism set him apart from the other members of his family? How did it turn out to be his fatal flaw?

I liked Moss, it felt sorry for him. I guess because he seemed destined for a bad result, maybe not death, but something. He was naive in the ways of people and had simplistic but earnest beliefs. The eternal optimist kind of guy I guess. And his story was just sad.

Posted Jul. 10, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
bestmartin's Gravatar

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RE: How did Moss's optimism set him apart from the other members of his family? How did it turn out to be his fatal flaw?

I agree with what Ruthiea said. Moss should have had a clearer understanding of the potential difficulties that could arise. Of course, I would have done and thought the same at his age and much older. I didn’t realizing that believing in change, doesn’t mean it can happen, especially not on your timetable.

Posted Jul. 13, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Harley's Mom

Join Date: 02/21/19

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RE: How did Moss's optimism set him apart from the other members of his family? How did it turn out to be his fatal flaw?

Moss' optimism set him apart because he had a broader view of the world than his parents in their closed upper class society. He envisioned a world where all classes of society were accepted and valued whereas his parents and other family members were content with the prejudiced, segregated realities of their social caste. Moss was idealistic--he was someone who seemed to think that if you can dream it, it can happen. Thus he saw no problem in inviting Len and Reg to the party on the island without even mentioning it to his parents. He thought that if they came, everyone would get along. It turned out to be his fatal flaw because the fallout from their attendance contributed to his death.

Posted Jul. 17, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/29/15

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RE: How did Moss's optimism set him apart from the other members of his family? How did it turn out to be his fatal flaw?

Moss was such an idealist about everything in his life. Maybe he was just born in the wrong generation. I see him as a hippy in the 60's. Realism was his downfall.

Posted Jul. 22, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
nanette s

Join Date: 05/06/12

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RE: How did Moss's optimism set him apart from the other members of his family? How did it turn out to be his fatal flaw?

I felt like Moss acted outwardly optimistic because of his closeted lifestyle and not wanting to have to work behind a desk in his father's company. HIs true self showed on the night Len and Reg arrived at Crockett's Island and the incident happened with his sister Joan. I didn't feel he was any different than the rest of his family, he just tried to convince himself otherwise.

Posted Jul. 31, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/17/11

Posts: 15

RE: How did Moss's optimism set him apart from the other members of his family? How did it turn out to be his fatal flaw?

Moss wanted to believe that he was different than his parents. He did not feel racist, and therefore, he did not see the problem of having Len and Reg attend the party. Moss was a part of the younger generation who believed that all are equal and there should be no differences. Moss's death represented the older generation's strong opinions and wealth that so often control the beliefs within a time period. We still don't accept all as equal. Not in wealth, intellect, position in the workforce, government, etc.


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