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Book Jacket

Miracle Creek

A thrilling debut novel about how far we'll go to protect our families, and our ...
Summary and Reviews
Reading Guide

Which of these treatments had you heard of? Do you agree with Elizabeth that those with autism face a stigma that children with other physical or mental differences don't? Did the book add to your understanding of this disorder?

Created: 04/16/20

Replies: 4

Posted Apr. 16, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

Which of these treatments had you heard of? Do you agree with Elizabeth that those with autism face a stigma that children with other physical or mental differences don't? Did the book add to your understanding of this disorder?

Autism is diagnosed on a spectrum with a wide variation in symptoms, as evidenced by TJ Kozlowski and Henry Ward. In Miracle Creek, the mothers of autistic children are portrayed as having a wide range of beliefs about treatments for their children. Which of these treatments had you heard of? Do you have an autistic child or know someone who does? Do you agree with Elizabeth that those with autism face a stigma that children with other physical or mental differences don't? Did the book add to your understanding of this disorder, or did it influence your attitude toward parents with autistic children?

Posted Apr. 17, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/17/20

Posts: 4

Autism & treatments

Because I have worked with dev. disabled children, primarily those on autism spectrum, for 40+ years, I am familiar with treatments in book and more. ALL of autism parents I have known are initially passionately motivated to improve -if not “cure”-their children. Every few years new anecdotal treatments arise and parents, desperate for help, may try them. The hopefulness/disappointment cycles these parents experience are painful and disheartening. Yes, autism is an esp. perplexing disorder. The spectrum extends from mild, socially awkward, rigid children to nonverbal, sensory-impaired, perseverative, or self-injurious children. Friends and family often believe parents should be able to control their behaviors, not realizing an underlying neurophysiological condition is the cause. When disabilities are easier to “see”, parents often receive a more
sympathetic reaction.

Posted Apr. 17, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/12/15

Posts: 188

Families seek help

I have heard of them all and I know families that have tried some. For our daughter, we tried vitamins and she resisted those! Our girl was a puzzle; social, good eye contact,spoke directly to people, but was sensory impaired, rocked all the time, and could be very impulsive and self injurious. I do think kids with autism are judged more highly because of their "strange"behaviors and have a hard time being accepted. I do think things are better than they were 40 years ago but its still very hard. It is easier to understand someone's behavior and facial expressions when there are more obvious "clues" I have a friend whose daughter has Downs Syndrome and has said "Why do people think that kids with Downs are all sweet and loving? Come to my house".

Posted May. 18, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Peg A

Join Date: 04/14/17

Posts: 12


I’ve worked with adults with autism and their families for many years. It’s an impairment that affects each person with similarities as well as Many differences. In my experience it’s frustrating the lack of support or understanding from the community in general. I came away from the book feeling that the author brought out how quick others are to judge with little understanding of someone’s situation

Posted May. 29, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/26/18

Posts: 21


I have heard of a very similar treatment, as hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a treatment for fibromyalgia (which I have) and is said to significantly reduce pain after two months of treatment. Even though I realize this book is a work of fiction, I was hesitant to pursue this type of treatment before reading it, but I can honestly say after reading it, there is very little chance I would ever attempt this type of therapy.


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