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The Wonders

"A surreal and exotic thing, a finely wrought interrogation of the ways we ...
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Are Leon, Christos and Kathryn typically normal? How do you define normal?

Created: 01/28/15

Replies: 8

Posted Jan. 28, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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Are Leon, Christos and Kathryn typically normal? How do you define normal?

The Wonders raises questions on what it means to be "normal." Are Leon, Christos and Kathryn typically normal? How do you define normal?

Posted Feb. 10, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: Are Leon, Christos and Kathryn typically normal? How do you define normal?

I don't like to cateorgize people as "normal" or "not normal". I think we can see a little of ourselves in each of these characters, i.e. self-doubting, introverted at times, boastful, needy, power hungry, etc. I did have a hard time relating to these characters and really didn't "like" any of them. I do have to admit that it did surprise me that Kathryn died. I just didn't see that coming.

Posted Feb. 10, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
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RE: Are Leon, Christos and Kathryn typically normal? How do you define normal?

I define "normal" as their reactions to their situations being something that seems reasonable for what you know of their character. I did consider them normal, thinking that we all have a bit of neurotic tendency toward something at some level. However, their characters did not seem well developed to me. I got a view of why they were brought to the show and how they reacted, but that's not the sum total of who they are/were. I agree with LindaB, I didn't really like any of them either...but then, if you knew all my foibles, you wouldn't like me either. So I think we saw the warts of their personality, but not enough of their motivation for being the way they were and doing the things they did.

Posted Feb. 10, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: Are Leon, Christos and Kathryn typically normal? How do you define normal?

I guess they were not "normal" in a societal sense but I do think the thoughts, feelings and reactions they had were very normal. I really don't know what can be construed as normal anyway, except possibly that most of us have basic needs, wants and desires that are at least similar if not same.

Posted Feb. 11, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: Are Leon, Christos and Kathryn typically normal? How do you define normal?

I think Leon and Kathryn would desire normalcy. Kathryn did not choose her disability and Leon chose his to live.
They have tried to do what most people try to do; live a "normal" life. I think Christos, on the other hand, wanted to be anything but normal

Posted Feb. 13, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: Are Leon, Christos and Kathryn typically normal? How do you define normal?

I agree with rebajane. Leon and Kathryn were, before their misfortunes, very normal and though they are now changed because of their oddities would be happy to go back to before. Christos was, at least physically, normal and chose not to be.

Posted Feb. 17, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
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RE: Are Leon, Christos and Kathryn typically normal? How do you define normal?

"Normal" varies depending on the group you belong to or identify with. As I was growing up, I always felt like an alien in my surroundings...who are these people and why do they think like they do? What are all these rituals about? Why doesn't anyone share my sense of humor? "Normal", I think, can also be defined as feeling natural in your surroundings. So I have created my 'normal' world where I belong. And have found that sharing my strange sense of humor is usually appreciated and offers another viewpoint, or at least a "lighten up, will you?" sort of moment.

Posted Feb. 18, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: Are Leon, Christos and Kathryn typically normal? How do you define normal?

Christos is normal for an avant garde artistic, desperate grab for celebrity type of world. after all, what some see as normal others see as old fashioned, outdated, fearful of living. Leon and Kathryn struck me as much more normal. Both of them would probably give anything to wave a magic wand and be themselves and be healthy.

Posted Feb. 19, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: Are Leon, Christos and Kathryn typically normal? How do you define normal?

When I see this question, instead of an answer, another query pops into my head: When everyone is different, what is normal...?

The term normal is very subjective. Normalcy within groups can be described, but is there a global normal, other than living and let live?


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