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The Atomic Weight of Love

In the spirit of The Aviator's Wife, this resonant debut spans from World War II...
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Have you ever felt stranded between the world of women and that of men? Do women and men fall into gender groups at social gatherings among your friends?

Created: 03/14/17

Replies: 14

Posted Mar. 14, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

Have you ever felt stranded between the world of women and that of men? Do women and men fall into gender groups at social gatherings among your friends?

At the party Meridian and Alden host for other physicists and their wives (pages 130–35), Meridian feels left out, marooned, as if she doesn't fit in—even in her own home. Have you ever felt stranded between the world of women and that of men? Do women and men fall into gender groups at social gatherings among your friends? What do you think drives this sort of self-segregation? Do you regularly socialize with people of the opposite sex?

Posted Mar. 19, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/17/16

Posts: 9

RE: Have you ever felt stranded between the world of women and that of men? Do women and men fall into gender groups at social gatherings among your friends?

All my life. I've never been a girly girl and am plenty opinionated and outspoken. This doesn't always sit well with either gender. Possibly tradition and society's expectations factor in to how we fall into these separate groups in social situations.

Posted Mar. 20, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/24/11

Posts: 203

RE: Have you ever felt stranded between the world of women and that of men? Do women and men fall into gender groups at social gatherings among your friends?

Yes; in previous jobs, I would be the only female at the level that I was, and often the youngest. It made for awkward social gatherings, as I had nothing in common with the wives of my co-workers (who were generally housewives) yet didn't want to stand around discussing sports with the guys. I ended up avoiding them...although I did take up golf.

Posted Mar. 21, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 12/01/16

Posts: 292

RE: Have you ever felt stranded between the world of women and that of men? Do women and men fall into gender groups at social gatherings among your friends?

I was part of the military where women and men worked and socialized together as equals. Now that I am no longer in the military and now attend social functions with my husband, I find that usually the women and men separate into their own groups. Even though my husband was a teacher for 31 years and worked with mostly women, he prefers to talk with men at these functions. I also prefer to talk with other women of diverse experiences and occupations, because we embrace our differences and similarities and still have the bond of being female.

Posted Mar. 22, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/04/16

Posts: 77

RE: Have you ever felt stranded between the world of women and that of men? Do women and men fall into gender groups at social gatherings among your friends?

In my early professional life i was the singular woman at the lunch table and learned quickly that I would have to talk to their interests if I wanted to speak at all. Later as I traveled as the only woman on the team I learned to set boundaries and appreciate my independence. I did socialize with the wives of my counterparts; I had a great deal of respect for them (often more than for their husbands!) Now, as a retired woman, I enjoy socializing with men, but sometimes feel they are uncomfortable with my self-confidence. I do find women to be superior conversationalists and able to speak with a level of authenticity rarely seen in social situations with men.

Posted Mar. 23, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/23/11

Posts: 73

RE: Have you ever felt stranded between the world of women and that of men? Do women and men fall into gender groups at social gatherings among your friends?

Yes, all my life. I have always been into sports, and I am 65 now, so I lived during the time when you were called a tomboy if you played ball. I still can discuss the players on football teams and love the Olympics and golf. Many times the women want to go shopping while the men want to watch the Super Bowl, while I would hate to miss it, so I stay home with the men and don't bond with the women.

Posted Mar. 23, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/23/15

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RE: Have you ever felt stranded between the world of women and that of men? Do women and men fall into gender groups at social gatherings among your friends?

Having been in management in the 80s it still was the good ole boys club. That's when were wore suits and blouses with ties or huge bows. Women were always working harder to be recognized for their talents' .
It depends on the social gathering if the sexes separate into groups.

Posted Mar. 25, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/25/17

Posts: 190

RE: Have you ever felt stranded between the world of women and that of men? Do women and men fall into gender groups at social gatherings among your friends?

Absolutely, from playing trombone in elementary and secondary school in the late 50s and 60s, thru my interests that definitely weren't - and aren't - "girlish."

Posted Mar. 27, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/14/11

Posts: 123

RE: Have you ever felt stranded between the world of women and that of men? Do women and men fall into gender groups at social gatherings among your friends?

Every definitely as a young women first beginning her career in the world of business. I took a job working for a local change of home improvement centers. Very much male domination - I was their token female employee - need I say more. Quite the experience and as I look back on it now. I learned to be assertive in a good way.

Posted Mar. 27, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/16/16

Posts: 40

RE: Have you ever felt stranded between the world of women and that of men? Do women and men fall into gender groups at social gatherings among your friends?

Men and women do fall into different gender groups at social gatherings in my social circle. Many times I would feel more comfortable talking with the men because I don't really want to discuss decorating, children, fashion, etc. but do not feel it is socially acceptable to go hang out with the men. I am more like Meridian and wish we women could discuss current events and more intellectually stimulating topics.

Posted Mar. 27, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
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Join Date: 03/26/14

Posts: 139

RE: Have you ever felt stranded between the world of women and that of men? Do women and men fall into gender groups at social gatherings among your friends?

This is a tough one to answer. I never really feel comfortable fitting into either group at social events. My interests are generally gender-free -- politics, books (duh), social trends, art, ideas, etc.. So I take whatever opportunity I can to address everyone. I love talking among the whole group, say, around a dinner table where everyone can contribute. Places where the genders break into gender-only groups find me heading for the door. It's time to say goodnight.

Posted Mar. 28, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/29/15

Posts: 146

RE: Have you ever felt stranded between the world of women and that of men? Do women and men fall into gender groups at social gatherings among your friends?

For me it depends on the group of people we are socializing with, most times it is a mix of men and women. This works for me. I also like talking with a group of women. There are a few topics I'm not interested in talking about including sports or politics.

Posted Mar. 29, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/01/11

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RE: Have you ever felt stranded between the world of women and that of men? Do women and men fall into gender groups at social gatherings among your friends?

When we retired at a fairly early age I found that the world of ladies who lunch was not for me. I have a few friends that I have known over 30 years and I am happy with that. I enjoy the company of men, but I find that some tend to be very condescending in their attitude towards women. Much like Alden was to Meridian.

Posted Mar. 30, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/29/15

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RE: Have you ever felt stranded between the world of women and that of men? Do women and men fall into gender groups at social gatherings among your friends?

It does seem to be that way but here lately I find myself crossing over to whatever group is talking about something I am interested in.

Posted Jul. 22, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/13/12

Posts: 564

RE: Have you ever felt stranded between the world of women and that of men? Do women and men fall into gender groups at social gatherings among your friends?

I think many baby boomer women who had careers experienced that feeling. There is still a divide; just think of the negative names for females who date a lot of different people versus the "manly man" who is simply a "player." people seem to separate into gender groups still but most often at parties where people do not know each other.


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