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Do you think Mia is right that events surrounding the storm made Kieran kinder? What was it about the events of the storm that could have prompted a change in Kieran? How did he continue to change in its aftermath?

Created: 01/28/21

Replies: 7

Posted Jan. 28, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

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Do you think Mia is right that events surrounding the storm made Kieran kinder? What was it about the events of the storm that could have prompted a change in Kieran? How did he continue to change in its aftermath?

Mia says of the storm, "I'm not for a minute saying that [what happened to Finn] was a good thing, of course not. But you're right. It did change your life, but I'm not sure it was in the way you sometimes think it was ... Honestly, Kieran, I think it made you a better person. Kinder, definitely. More aware of other people, more conscious of your actions." Do you think Mia is right? What was it about the events of the storm that could have prompted a change in Kieran? How did he continue to change in its aftermath?

Posted Jan. 28, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/29/16

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RE: Do you think Mia is right that events surrounding the storm made Kieran kinder? What was it about the events of the storm that could have prompted a change in Kieran? How did he continue to change in its aftermath?

I think Mia is right. Going through a loss like his and feeling that burden of guilt exposes a person. It is impossible to be the same after something like that. Kieran responded by becoming kinder and more compassionate. Others reacted differently. But I think Mia is right that Kieran changed for the better.

Posted Jan. 28, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: Do you think Mia is right that events surrounding the storm made Kieran kinder? What was it about the events of the storm that could have prompted a change in Kieran? How did he continue to change in its aftermath?

I think Kieran became kinder but I think it was because of Mia and becoming a parent, not because of the events of the storm. So, I guess I disagree with Mia about the source of his kindness.

Posted Jan. 29, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: Do you think Mia is right that events surrounding the storm made Kieran kinder? What was it about the events of the storm that could have prompted a change in Kieran? How did he continue to change in its aftermath?

It's interesting that Kieran physically left Evelyn Bay, a symbolic act consistent with his ability to evolve past his former self and the tragedy of the storm. It's hard to say if the storm itself made him kinder but what transpired in his life afterwards definitely made him a very different person than the young man who left.

Kieran had many of the ingredients for kindness before the storm but the way he worked to overcome the trauma, through proactive steps like therapy and finding an outlet (swimming) differed markedly from most of the others who remained in Evelyn Bay, especially his boyhood friends.

Posted Jan. 31, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/16/19

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RE: Do you think Mia is right that events surrounding the storm made Kieran kinder? What was it about the events of the storm that could have prompted a change in Kieran? How did he continue to change in its aftermath?

I don't think that the events of the storm in themselves made Kieran kinder, but I think it's likely that the experience prompted him to live differently than he otherwise would have because he knew that he would have to make an effort to move past it and also possibly because he became more grateful for his life and what he had.

Posted Jan. 31, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/06/17

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RE: Do you think Mia is right that events surrounding the storm made Kieran kinder? What was it about the events of the storm that could have prompted a change in Kieran? How did he continue to change in its aftermath?

I think it was what Kieran CHOSE to do after the storm that made him kinder. How easy it might have been for him to stay in Evelyn Bay and pick up where Finn left off- -like Sean did taking over the diving business. He could have stuck around out of a sense of guilt and allowed himself to be emotionally punished by his parents every day for the rest of life. (That would not have made me kinder!) Fortunately, a doctor, who was examining Kieran physically, counseled him about the "thinking problems" he might experience. Thank goodness he really listened and found a way to do exactly what she told him to do. I think it was important that Kieran left the island. He met new people, had different experiences, and expanded his view. He was also not afraid to ask for help when he needed it. I appreciated the honest, sometimes difficult conversations Mia and Kieran had with one another. There were a few times I thought, "Uh oh... he is going to mad at her for saying that!" Kieran never did get upset though. He listened to what Mia had to say, and instead of reacting quickly, took the time to process what she was saying. He seemed more willing to look at the other side of the issue. He was less judgmental than a lot of the island residents. Even if he was being berated or overheard nasty things being said about him, he tried to put himself in the other person's place in order to understand where they were coming from. The personal work he had done, a new location, a supportive partner, and becoming a father helped Kieran see the bigger picture- -the world outside of himself. All of this made him kinder.

Posted Feb. 05, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: Do you think Mia is right that events surrounding the storm made Kieran kinder? What was it about the events of the storm that could have prompted a change in Kieran? How did he continue to change in its aftermath?

Kieran's decision to leave Evelyn Bay for Sydney, to separate himself from family and community, was the first decision that ultimately started him on the long road to recovery and change. His father blamed him - and to a degree, his mother did as well. Separating himself from them - whether he did it for his own mental health or to avoid being a constant and painful reminder to them - is really not important. He did it, and that eventually made a difference in his life. In Sydney he connected with a therapist and Mia and began to put his life back together. Suggestions the therapist made definitely helped him deal with his inner turmoil and begin to heal, and connecting to Mia is perhaps the major influence on his kinder, calmer, gentler character. He was able to be honest with her and she accepted him completely, thereby enabling him to accept himself and live more comfortably with his past.

Posted Feb. 26, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
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Join Date: 03/29/16

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RE: Do you think Mia is right that ...

I believe that people change naturally. Everything we do and see and hear changes us a little bit at a time. As we age we tend to grow into things we may not have had in our youth, be it kindness, patience, or understanding. Each major and unique change in our life has a lasting effect. If our original structure is one of kindness then we will usually use that as a foundation for becoming even more kind as we grow. We can put ourselves into situations that prevent growth or situations that are amiable to our personalities. Occasionally we are in situations that just come at us and we just have to perceiver. I think the storm was just one of those events that Kiernan just had to get through - any way he could. I am not sure that it added to his kindness, even though it left a lingering effect. I think it may have made him realize that life was precious and he needed to take more control of his life and to try to live his life at the best of his abilities. But I think that there were many more things, such as Mia and Audrey, that probably contributed to Kiernan's overall personality much more so than the storm.


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