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Discuss the memories that are woven into the novel's title, Remembrance. How has remembrance been communicated from one generation to the next in your family?

Created: 02/15/20

Replies: 3

Posted Feb. 15, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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Discuss the memories that are woven into the novel's title, Remembrance. How has remembrance been communicated from one generation to the next in your family?

The novel opens with Gaelle's dream, evoking the tragic memory of the earthquake that destroyed her family. Discuss the memories that are woven into the novel's title, Remembrance. How has remembrance been communicated from one generation to the next in your family?

Posted Feb. 29, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/03/19

Posts: 208

RE: Discuss the memories that are woven into the novel's title, Remembrance. How has remembrance been communicated from one generation to the next in your family?

Throughout the book we are privy to the remembrance of the characters and these appear in a variety of ways: dreams, memories, retelling of stories and so on. These memories set up and fill in each storyline and link the stories. Gaelle’s loss of her grandmother and her life in Haiti, Fortuna Rousse telling Margot and Veronique the story of The Yon Nwa and Ninette Rousse which provides the connection both to past, present, and future and of course Abigail’s kidnapping and her life in Haiti and beyond. These stories all contain the loss of family, and the loss of home. However, Remembrance is not only the title, but is also the name for the secret haven that Mother Abigail maintains, which is fitting. Remembrance appears as a place of reverence or sanctitude: a memorial. The title of the book and of the haven suggest to me that Dr. Woods is saying plainly that these people and their stories must be acknowledged and remembered. Remembrance is a place where you can create new memories and where the people are safe, and free to embrace the memories of their lives. The descriptions of Remembrance - the place, struck me as mystical in an almost religious manner. The mysticism that Mother Abigail used to create and maintain Remembrance was pulled from her power and memories; her memories of slavery and her desire to provide a safe haven for her people. She created a safe home, a sense of community and family.
Family heirlooms, photographs, stories and genealogy provide the basis for our family remembrance.

Posted Mar. 14, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/29/15

Posts: 460

RE: Discuss the memories that are woven into the novel's title, Remembrance. How has remembrance been communicated from one generation to the next in your family?

gerrib has described this perfectly.

Posted Mar. 25, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
taking.mytime's Gravatar

Join Date: 03/29/16

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RE: Discuss the memories that are woven into the novel's title, Remembrance. How has remembrance been communicated from one generation to the next in your family?

Remembrance, being the name of the village where Mother Abigail placed her mystical boundaries, was fitting because even though members rarely spoke of their past slavery lives, remembering them was utmost to their being able to protect their sanctuary. Never forgetting ones past keeps you present in the here and now.

We communicate in my family through story telling, reminiscing, mementos handed down and newly bought to remind us of a time or place or situation. Pictures are important in our family, as is tradition in holidays, meals, and interaction among various family members.


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