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The Last Flight

The story of two women and one agonizing decision that will change the ...
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Why do you think Claire goes public? Would you have handled the situation differently? How do you think peoples' reactions to women who come forward with abuse allegations has changed in the past few years?

Created: 05/19/20

Replies: 9

Posted May. 19, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

Why do you think Claire goes public? Would you have handled the situation differently? How do you think peoples' reactions to women who come forward with abuse allegations has changed in the past few years?

Claire makes the difficult decision to go public with her story, knowing full well that she may be met with criticism and disbelief. Why do you think she goes ahead with it? Would you have handled the situation differently? How do you think peoples' reactions to women who come forward with abuse allegations has changed in the past few years, in light of the #MeToo movement?

Posted May. 29, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/11/11

Posts: 47

RE: Why do you think Claire goes public? Would you have handled the situation differently? How do you think peoples' reactions to women who come forward with abuse allegations has changed in the past few years?

Clair had been found. She felt that she had to go public to continue living and being true to herself. She was very brave to do so. She felt that she was not only saving herself, but others who were in similar situations. I would hope that I would also be brave enough to do the same.

Posted May. 30, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/13/20

Posts: 26

RE: Why do you think Claire goes public? Would you have handled the situation differently? How do you think peoples' reactions to women who come forward with abuse allegations has changed in the past few years?

Today, in this climate toward women who have suffered abuse, there is no doubt that Claire should choose to go public for safety precisely because she would receive support and protection. When I was a young woman, that was not the case. Abused women, at that time, were always to blame; there was something "wrong" with the woman or her behavior that brought on the abuse. There would be no refuge, many times even within her family. Thank goodness this is not the prevailing attitude in society now.

Posted Jun. 02, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/21/17

Posts: 70

RE: Why do you think Claire goes public? Would you have handled the situation differently? How do you think peoples' reactions to women who come forward with abuse allegations has changed in the past few years?

The climate has changed. Women are going public and they are being believed. If this story took place back in the 50's and 60's I don't think she would have been believed. Times have changed and the more women speak up the harder it is for abusers to get away with what they do. The victims stand a better chance and getting out of their situations.

Posted Jun. 03, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/14/11

Posts: 211

RE: Why do you think Claire goes public? Would you have handled the situation differently? How do you think peoples' reactions to women who come forward with abuse allegations has changed in the past few years?

She had to go public to try stop the speculation that would have been printed that it was all her fault. Look at how some of the women who have were brave enough to tell the truth during the beginning of the 'me too' movement were (and still are) seen in a negative way by the media.

Posted Jun. 05, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Mary Alice

Join Date: 01/14/18

Posts: 22

RE: Why do you think Claire goes public? Would you have handled the situation differently? How do you think peoples' reactions to women who come forward with abuse allegations has changed in the past few years?

Claire finally was coming into her own as a person in control of her life and the events that shaped it. The author lets us see Claire mature after getting out from the influence of her husband. This made the book a real winner!

Posted Jun. 07, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 12/03/11

Posts: 280

RE: Why do you think Claire goes public? Would you have handled the situation differently? How do you think peoples' reactions to women who come forward with abuse allegations has changed in the past few years?

She had to go public. Looking at Rory's history, he would likely have killed her once she was found. In the past few years, thanks in large part to "#MeToo" women's reports of abuse are more likely to be believed than in the past. Women like Claire now have options. Once she got back in control of her life, I optimistically think she would come out on top. Lest we forget, she is an educated, accomplished woman and once out from under Rory's abuse, she can thrive.

Posted Jun. 08, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Carol Rainer

Join Date: 09/03/15

Posts: 89

RE: Why do you think Claire goes public? Would you have handled the situation differently? How do you think peoples' reactions to women who come forward with abuse allegations has changed in the past few years?

With the advance of the Me-Too Movement, her abuse was made more believable and accepted as truth. She had to do it to make sense of everything she had been subjected to.

Posted Jun. 09, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/16/19

Posts: 14

RE: Why do you think Claire goes public? Would you have handled the situation differently? How do you think peoples' reactions to women who come forward with abuse allegations has changed in the past few years?

After her real name was linked to the photo where she was a server at the event she knew she had to go public with her situation in order to survive. All her instincts told her she would meet the same fate as Maggie
if she did not go public. Luckily she met Liz and felt she had an ally. Let's hope,, if the story were to continue, that she would be successful and fulfilled in her new life.

Posted Jun. 10, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/13/19

Posts: 21

RE: Why do you think Claire goes public? Would you have handled the situation differently? How do you think peoples' reactions to women who come forward with abuse allegations has changed in the past few years?

Her primary motivation was to save her life. She had proof that Rory had gone to extreme measures in the past to protect himself (Maggie), and she had no doubt that he would have found a way to silence her as well. She could not run forever, and the only way to free herself of the threat that Rory posed was to expose him publicly. Without the proof supplied by Danielle, however, we have to wonder if she would have been believed.
It's true that the #MeToo movement has changed attitudes in support of women's allegations, but those in powerful positions can still affect the narrative.


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