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America for Beginners

A poignant debut that explores unlikely friendships forged in unusual ...
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What do you think happens next for these characters? Where will they be five or ten years after the end of this novel?

Created: 07/26/19

Replies: 3

Posted Jul. 26, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

What do you think happens next for these characters? Where will they be five or ten years after the end of this novel?

"When she woke, the first thought Pival had was, What happens next?" What do you think happens next for these characters? Where will they be five or ten years after the end of this novel?

Posted Aug. 06, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/06/17

Posts: 466

RE: What do you think happens next for these characters? Where will they be five or ten years after the end of this novel?

I love questions like this! I am always the one who asks the question "What happens next?" when a movie or book comes to a close. The answer I get back is usually "Nothing, it's over!"

Pival brought her true self back from her two week odyssey! As soon as she returned home, she began to assert herself and make decisions like the ones I imagined her making during her time at college! I think that she and Jake will continue to get to know and spend time with one another- -maybe taking trips to places they both think Bhim would have wanted to see. Perhaps Pival will begin to volunteer at the organization that helped women.

I think Jake will finally be able to move past the sadness of losing Bhim. And even if he finds love again, his relationship with Pival will continue to grow. She is after all, the mother of his great love.

I think working at the map store will be good for Satya. I think Mr. Ghazi will have a very calming effect on him and be able to teach him about being happy with what is right in front of you. I think Satya will buy a few books and become curious about what else is out in the world. Living honestly and doing his best to be a good person, Satya can let go of his guilt. He will give himself permission to explore his new home and be excited about other places he studies in the map store. I am hopeful he and Ravi might find their way back to one another. I think it is a good sign that Ravi took the time to look at the letters and note Satya let for him. He was even willing to take Satya's advice and go see Ronnie.

I think Rebecca will continue to explore new places that offer her an opportunity to do what she loves. By being open to new cities, different roles, and empowered by FINALLY being chosen, Rebecca will shine on stage!

Ronnie went on vacation???? haha I think Pavil's trip taught him more than he bargained for too! Success isn't only about having money. I think he understood that he needed to show his wife every day how much he cared for her- -before it was too late.

I see each of these characters being a lot more willing to reserve judgment about people who are different from them moving forward.

Posted Aug. 06, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

RE: What do you think happens next for these characters? Where will they be five or ten years after the end of this novel?

I too think Mr Ghazi will be a good influence on Satya. Perhaps Satya will find himself taking some community college classes and developing some skills he can use, or simply learning something of the world. I would like to think of him building a happy and fulfilling life in the USA but his immigration status will make that a challenge.

I think Rebecca will come into her own in a city other than New York, maybe even landing a few leading lady roles but even if not, becoming content with her path in life. At some point she might land a part on Broadway and return to New York, but when the run is complete she will gladly move back to the city she now calls home, maybe Chicago, perhaps DC.

I agree with acstrine that Jake will move on in time and find happiness, and Pival will come into her own and re-find her voice.

Posted Aug. 21, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/03/19

Posts: 8

RE: What do you think happens next for these characters? Where will they be five or ten years after the end of this novel?

I love this kind of question, but it's just not how my brain works. It's like when I hear readers casting movie options of a book they're reading: it's always very interesting to me, but I can never think of it like that!


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