By traveling alone, Pavil stepped outside of the cultural norms regarding the behavior of women. She married into a controlling family, where women accepted their roles as entertainers (in the home) and the big outing was daily tea WITH female family members, NOT friends or other men.
In my opinion, this is an effect of cultural patriarchy. The system is man-centered, men (strong) and women (weak) are seen as opposites-not equals, and an animosity based on competition and rivalry is fostered between women. A woman is restricted to certain places (home, kitchen, laundry room, market, and her children's school. Another aspect of this system is sexism, the thought and behavior related to the belief that one sex is superior to another.
So how would a woman, who is weak and incapable, who has never managed anything more complicated than a Parent-Teacher Conference, be expected to negotiate airlines, hotels, and restaurants, herself???? How would she defend herself from predators or women (like Rebecca) with different ideas?
I like to travel while my husband does not, so I often go places alone. i have never been questioned, warned, or exalted for this.