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The Heart You Carry Home

A novel about surviving on the home front and the limits and limitlessness of ...
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How does Jeanine's faith compare to the veterans' faith in Kleos and the story of the heart of Durga? Does Becca find faith in anything? What role does faith play in difficult times? Does faith have to be placed in a higher power?

Created: 10/28/15

Replies: 5

Posted Oct. 28, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

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How does Jeanine's faith compare to the veterans' faith in Kleos and the story of the heart of Durga? Does Becca find faith in anything? What role does faith play in difficult times? Does faith have to be placed in a higher power?

How does Jeanine's faith compare to the veterans' faith in Kleos and the story of the heart of Durga? Does Becca find faith in anything? What role do you think faith can play during difficult times? Does faith have to be placed in a deity or higher power, or can other things provide support?

Posted Nov. 04, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/18/15

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RE: How does Jeanine's faith compare to the veterans' faith in Kleos and the story of the heart of Durga? Does Becca find faith in anything? What role does faith play in difficult times? Does faith have to be placed in a higher power?

Both Jeanine's faith and that of the soldiers at Kleos was a blind faith based on a need to have something to hold on to. Becca doesn't seem to have found or believe in any form of faith, not even a faith in herself. Many faiths do believe in higher powers, or even icons (which the heart was to the soldiers) and even the CO as a higher power. Faith is very important in difficult times, ask anyone fighting cancer, you need to have faith in the medication, the doctors, but mostly in yourself and whatever higher power, be that God, nature, prayer. It is what gives you peace. Unfortunately for these characters I do not believe any of them found faith (exception maybe Reno) by the end of the book.

Posted Nov. 07, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/12/11

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RE: How does Jeanine's faith compare to the veterans' faith in Kleos and the story of the heart of Durga? Does Becca find faith in anything? What role does faith play in difficult times? Does faith have to be placed in a higher power?

Faith in "something" is important in times of crisis. That faith may be in a "higher power" or another person. One needs to know that s/he is not alone and can count on strength from someone or something else.

Posted Nov. 09, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/15/15

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RE: How does Jeanine's faith compare to the veterans' faith in Kleos and the story of the heart of Durga? Does Becca find faith in anything? What role does faith play in difficult times? Does faith have to be placed in a higher power?

Jeanine sought solace in her religion when she couldn't live with King's PTSD. Not having gone to war, the whole story of the heart of Durga was strange for me to believe. I think Becca's faith is in herself.

Posted Nov. 25, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
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RE: How does Jeanine's faith compare to the veterans' faith in Kleos and the story of the heart of Durga? Does Becca find faith in anything? What role does faith play in difficult times? Does faith have to be placed in a higher power?

I definitely picked up on the parallels being drawn between Kleos and the Hands of God. I think both organizations could be considered brainwashing cults built on faith in a higher power and the weaknesses of its members. I also think that neither organization benefited its members ultimately. I think Reno's skepticism and weariness were admirable, and Becca's personality seemed more inclined towards believing in facts over faith in the unknown. Becca looked at what impact Kleos and the Hands of God had on her parents - not a lot of good from a daughter's point of view.

Posted Dec. 15, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/10/13

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RE: How does Jeanine's faith compare to the veterans' faith in Kleos and the story of the heart of Durga? Does Becca find faith in anything? What role does faith play in difficult times? Does faith have to be placed in a higher power?

I don't have a good answer for this multiple question. This portion of the book was just too unrealistic to me. In my personal life, my faith is very important to me, especially in difficult times. Faith can be placed anywhere but I don't see where it can be of much help if it's not in a higher power.


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