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How do we make meaning of tragedy? How have you done this in your own life?

Created: 03/31/22

Replies: 6

Posted Mar. 31, 2022 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

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How do we make meaning of tragedy? How have you done this in your own life?

Augusta writes "If not for the tragedy . . ." and then she lists the things in her life that she cherishes; this is how she makes meaning out of something so awful. How do we make meaning of tragedy? How have you done this in your own life?

Posted Mar. 31, 2022 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
charlaw's Gravatar

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RE: How do we make meaning of tragedy&#...

I think in our effort to make meaning of tragedy we are are trying to understand why it happened (which is often impossible). However, I believe when something can be learned from a tragedy it can help us make sense of it and can help in the healing process. I think that is what Augusta was trying to do. In writing down the things in life that she cherished, Augusta was able to focus on the good in her life instead of holding on to the tragedy she had lived through. In my own life, surviving a life threatening illness has made me more grateful for the wonderful blessings in my life, such as time with my family. It has made me cherish every moment with them even more because they are the most important part of my life. It’s sad to admit, but it took this experience to make me realize what mattered most to me.

Posted Apr. 01, 2022 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/24/11

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RE: How do we make meaning of tragedy&#...

I agree with Charlaw; it is often tragic circumstances that force us to recognize and appreciate the truly important things in our lives. Without some kind of break from the ordinary, every day (like a pandemic) we just continue on. It is happy and sad moments that give us cause for reflection and appreciation.

Posted Apr. 06, 2022 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Molly Mae

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RE: How do we make meaning of tragedy&#...

I believe we try to make meaning out of tragedy in an attempt at closure. It's hard to move on and get on with your life if there is uncertainty as to why something happened. Especially in the event of a good person losing their life prematurely, those left behind seek to make sense of it, so the deceased's life is not in vain. I have employed this tactic several times in order to overcome grief from a sudden, tragic loss. Once I have explained the situation to myself and tried to find the silver lining of the tragedy, I can experience not only closure, but also gratitude for the extra time granted to me.

Posted Apr. 09, 2022 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How do we make meaning of tragedy&#...

I haven't experienced anything in my life that I'd consider truly tragic. Perhaps the closest thing to it would be having my first marriage fall apart. At the time it was really hard, but several years down the road I realized that if I hadn't had the experiences I'd had I never would have met my current (and very much loved) hubby. So I guess I think it's not so much about trying to find meaning in it as trying to find some silver lining to cling to.

Posted Apr. 11, 2022 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/01/15

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RE: How do we make meaning of tragedy&#...

Tragedy can strike at any time or place. Humans have always struggled to make meaning of large-scale tragic events like the Titanic going down, school shootings, war crimes, etc. Faith or belief in something beyond the human experience or close interactions or communications with family and friends may offer solace. I believe that the human mind will always look for answers to the unexplainable.

Posted Apr. 21, 2022 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/16/16

Posts: 149

RE: How do we make meaning of tragedy&#...

I'm in the same situation as kimk, I've never had anything truly tragic. As I see situations with friends, I realize that tragedy can make you really live the life you have and cherish those around you. I think it's human nature to feel that you were saved for a reason and most people try to honor that with a good life.


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