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The author of the worldwide bestseller Call Me by Your Name revisits its complex...
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Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

Created: 08/31/20

Replies: 15

Posted Aug. 31, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

Posted Sep. 02, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/13/11

Posts: 76

RE: Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

Yes, I was very surprised that Miranda actually stayed with Samuel.

Posted Sep. 02, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/08/12

Posts: 81

RE: Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

Yes. Who would think that chance encounter and the age difference would last. Samuel needed the quirkiness of Miranda to liven up his life.

Posted Sep. 02, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/14/20

Posts: 121

RE: Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

Yes, it seemed far fetched to me considering the age difference and their random first encounter.

Posted Sep. 02, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/01/16

Posts: 465

RE: Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

Yes I was surprised. I wish we had learned more about them. When they got married, had their son, when he died. The book started with them and I wish we would have known more.

Posted Sep. 05, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/02/20

Posts: 2

RE: Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

As previously mentioned the Samuel/Miranda relationship seemed fantastical from the beginning. Why they would name their child after Elio’s lover, who had been out of the picture for many years, is even harder to comprehend. Perhaps it served only to provide a child for Elio and Oliver to help raise.

Posted Sep. 05, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/02/20

Posts: 23

RE: Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

Yes, I was surprised and I agree with many of the other readers-it didn't ring true with me at all. And there was no continuity of their life together which was disappointing, especially since Miranda was somewhat interesting.

Posted Sep. 08, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/25/14

Posts: 82

RE: Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

Yes, I didn't expect the Samuel/Miranda romance to continue. Miranda had a track record of many failed relationships, so I expected Samuel to be just another of her 'little-while' passions. It was refreshing to know that they stayed together.

Posted Sep. 08, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/09/18

Posts: 96

RE: Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

I was a bit surprised the romance lasted, but I'm glad it did. I would have liked to know more about the time from when we left Samuel and Miranda until Samuel's death. Perhaps another future book?

Posted Sep. 10, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/28/11

Posts: 458

RE: Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

I was surprised they were still together until death. Knowing that fact, I wasn't surprised that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio.

Posted Sep. 11, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/12/16

Posts: 259

RE: Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

I was very surprised... I totally thought she was playing Samuel in the beginning. I wished the last chapters expounded more on her and her frame of mind...had she moved on after Samuel died? Or was that her one true love as it seemed to be for him. And the idea of Elio and Oliver raising Ollie, where was Mirandas role in this? Of course, all of these characters seem to be such free spirits when it comes to love, maybe they just will all raise Ollie in the same style, with fluid parents, being all of them.

Posted Sep. 11, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/13/14

Posts: 176

RE: Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

No. The romance between Samuel and Miranda was the best part of the book for me. They had such an affinity for each other - it became apparent almost immediately after they met. I could see them spending the rest of their lives together.

Posted Sep. 15, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/20/10

Posts: 31

RE: Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

I agree with many of the other reviews. This “romance” didn’t seem realistic. Meeting the way they did was hard to understand much less that it lasted until death.

Posted Sep. 16, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
jennie r

Join Date: 08/06/17

Posts: 56

RE: Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

Yes, very surprised. Miranda and Samuel seemed such a mismatch and was so was hard to believe it started never mind that it lasted. Then to find out Miranda and her son shared a home with Elio...just a bit much.

Posted Sep. 16, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
taking.mytime's Gravatar

Join Date: 03/29/16

Posts: 424

RE: Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

I am not surprised by much. Their continued romance was encouraging. Whatever they found between them was strong and lasting and in today's age that should not be questioned, just appreciated.

Posted Sep. 25, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/22/11

Posts: 102

RE: Were you surprised that the romance between Samuel and Miranda continued until his death, and that Miranda and her son moved in with Elio afterwards?

Thank you takingmytime! I agree they had very special relationship that could only grow with time.


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