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The Bone Tree

An epic trilogy of blood and race, family and justice.
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Discuss the individual journeys and moral choices of Penn and Tom Cage

Created: 10/14/16

Replies: 4

Posted Oct. 14, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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Discuss the individual journeys and moral choices of Penn and Tom Cage

Mayor Penn Cage and his father, Dr. Tom Cage, appear to be on separate paths in this story, though we know they probably agree on many things. Discuss their individual journeys and the moral choices they have to make.

Posted Oct. 20, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/29/15

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RE: Discuss the individual journeys and moral choices of Penn and Tom Cage

Tom always believed in doing the right thing. His relationship with Marcello was a heavy burden on him and then with the Double Eagles. The only way to keep his family safe was to keep his mouth shut even though it went against his values. It took a toll on his health through the years.Penn believed in right or wrong and adhering to the law. When Tom took off Penn he was confused. Then he starts to discover unflattering information about his father and begins to think he never really knew him.

Posted Oct. 23, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/07/12

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RE: Discuss the individual journeys and moral choices of Penn and Tom Cage

Tom was concerned with a love from his past and trying to keep her safe - it seemed that Viola was the love of his life, rather than his wife. Plus he ended up having a child with Viola, which was extremely hard for Penn to accept. And Tom knew that the automobile he accepted came with strings attached, so all in all, Penn had to acknowledge that his father wasn't quite as upstanding as he always believed him to be.

Posted Oct. 25, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/25/13

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RE: Discuss the individual journeys and moral choices of Penn and Tom Cage

First, they were from different generations. Penn is just finding out all the things that went on in the 60's. He is confused about all the things his father went though at that time. Penn wants everything to be by the book. I believe Penn has a hard time believing life In Natchez was so different in that time. Tom is trying to keep his family safe. He leaves so he does not have to tesify

Posted Oct. 29, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
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RE: Discuss the individual journeys and moral choices of Penn and Tom Cage

Each man's moral choices is dictated by the era in which they live. That there can be such vivid contrasts between the expectations placed upon law enforcement in two separate eras is pretty jarring. This is especially clear as Penn learns more about his father as both a lawman and a person. Each generation must grapple with current attitudes. However so much of what Tom had to deal with has adversely affected Penn's Natchez that it can feel like the two men are walking side-by-side.


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