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Of Women and Salt

A kaleidoscopic portrait of generations of women from a 19th-century Cuban cigar...
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Garcia shows how the decisions women make on their own can have powerful effects on family members and even impact future generations. What do you think this perspective adds to popular notions of history, politics and immigration?

Created: 04/26/21

Replies: 4

Posted Apr. 26, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

Garcia shows how the decisions women make on their own can have powerful effects on family members and even impact future generations. What do you think this perspective adds to popular notions of history, politics and immigration?

Garcia shows how the decisions women make on their own, sometimes secretly, can have powerful effects on family members (with or without their knowledge) and even impact future generations. What do you think this perspective adds to popular notions of history, politics and immigration?

Posted Apr. 26, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Jessica F

Join Date: 05/23/20

Posts: 181

RE: Garcia shows how the decisions women...

Throughout history all families have hopes for the next generation to have an easier life, be educated, be more successful, find happiness, etc. In order to achieve that, those parental figures often have to make sacrifices...sometimes extraordinary ones such as illegal immigration. America is made up of immigrants; therefore it IS our history.

Posted Apr. 26, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/05/18

Posts: 263

RE: Garcia shows how the decisions women...

History, politics and immigration - big controversial topics to discuss, which is one of our problems, I think. Decisions of all individuals - my ancestors (male) to come to the United States (following laws at the time), making sacrifices, trying to give their children more and better opportunities. It is want we all want, I think. We must learn our history - good and bad - if we are to understand why things are but shouldn't be. We need to elect politicians who actually make laws that foster positive change for our country. Every decision we make with regard to our own lives effect future generations.

Posted Apr. 26, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/03/19

Posts: 217

RE: Garcia shows how the decisions women...

I think many of us have known the decisions women make can have far reaching impacts on all aspects of our lives. Unfortunately, many people in our country resist any attempt to introduce, acknowledge or support the importance and contributions of the matriarchy while consistently further empowering the patriarchy to the detriment of all of us.

Posted Jun. 04, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
taking.mytime's Gravatar

Join Date: 03/29/16

Posts: 424

RE: Garcia shows how the decisions women...

Women are strong. They can effect change in many ways that men cannot - often doing it either unseen, unspoken or unnoticed. All in all it is probably the decisions that women make that guide and lead our youth - their children - most often. We are finally seeing more glass ceilings broken and hit - women are finally stepping up and taking their rightful place in the world. The more women who speak out at every socioeconomic level the quicker women are recognized and accepted as an equal to the male, showing they are not only intelligent but have excellent ideas coming for an all new perspective.


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