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In Every Mirror She's Black

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What about Jonny do you think Brittany found appealing? How did her past relationships factor in?

Created: 09/02/21

Replies: 13

Posted Sep. 02, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

What about Jonny do you think Brittany found appealing? How did her past relationships factor in?

Jonny's infatuation with Brittany borders on unhealthy, and yet there is a part of her that is drawn to him in the beginning. What about him do you think she found appealing? How did her past relationships factor in?

Posted Sep. 03, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/13/12

Posts: 564

RE: What about Jonny do you think ...

I think hard-working young women can be vulnerable to wealthy guys like Jonny, especially if it's been a difficult week or month or investments have tanked (if the woman has had enough money to even make investments.) Despite people thinking they are too worldly wise to be lured in by the Jonnys of the world, exhaustion - both physical and mental- can cloud one's thinking.

Posted Sep. 04, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/31/19

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RE: What about Jonny do you think ...

I think the main thing she found appealing was his pure unadulterated adoration he lavished on her, at least initially. 40 years plus, I still remember all of the notes and trinkets my boyfriend (later husband) would put in my locker at school.
Especially with Brittany being strapped financially, tired from working so hard, she was probably a sitting duck for someone to "take her away from it all".
Also, her earlier relationship with the designer who convinced her to become a model. He put her upon a pedestal, ravishing her with attention and affection.
Were these relationships due to her personality type(wanting to be rescued)or coincidences?

Posted Sep. 04, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/12/15

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RE: What about Jonny do you think ...

I agree with Beckyd. And there is also the factor that they had great sex! That's not an issue to be ignored in a relationship! I don't think anyone mentioned it, but when Brittany and Jonny had sex, all his attention was focused on her. That was quite an experience for her- or any woman. That plus his wealth was all she thought she needed.

Posted Sep. 04, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/07/17

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RE: What about Jonny do you think ...

Brittany's relationship with men was complicated. Bottom line, Beaufount used and sexually abused her at a young age, she was constantly fighting off advances from men as a model and as a flight attendant (while envying the affluence of her first-class passengers), and then here comes what appears to be a healthy relationship with Jamal. Unfortunately, Jonny was able to lure her away before she realized it for what it was -- a more normal, healthy, potentially satisfying partnership. Jonny offered her not only a lavish life, even more opulent than that of her modeling days (and a huge majority of her first-class passengers), but also the kind of love and adoration she never felt before.

Posted Sep. 05, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 11/21/16

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RE: What about Jonny do you think ...

Jonny is the new Beaufount. While she could have stayed with Jamal who seemed like a reasonable guy, she chooses the bad boy, if you will. Brittany to me was the most troubled character in the book of the three women.

Posted Sep. 05, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/30/14

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RE: What about Jonny do you think ...

Jonny’s undivided attention to Brittany is initially appealing because it appears he’s devoted to Brittany and listening to her. He desires her and appreciates her and this is what she wants in a relationship until she realizes it’s obsessive.

Posted Sep. 05, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 12/22/11

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RE: What about Jonny do you think ...

Brittany felt that Jonny would not lie to her, and he was obsessed with her and wanted to please her above all else and he was rich enough to give her a fairy-tale lifestyle she only saw through her work.

Posted Sep. 06, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/24/14

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RE: What about Jonny do you think ...

I thought it was so interesting that Brittany assumed Jonny was incapable of lying. But then when it came to the most important thing from his past, his lost love, he lied to her face.

Posted Sep. 06, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/01/16

Posts: 465

RE: What about Jonny do you think ...

She had been sexually abused at a young age. Finally she was in a good relationship but he was holding off on marriage. But I still believe she should have shied away from all Jonny’s attention. Many many red flags. I think his actions were frightening. Every time I try to post I get the message edit! Hope this posts!

Posted Sep. 14, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/25/13

Posts: 347

RE: What about Jonny do you think ...

I think the adoration he had for her was the main reason she liked him. She was not interested at first, but when he kept following her, she relented. She had had different experiences with past relationships. She had been adored, she had been abused, etc. Jonny seemed like a safe place. I agree their sex life played a part in it.

Posted Sep. 15, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/20/14

Posts: 41

RE: What about Jonny do you think ...

I have always thought that our attraction to another person can be directly proportional to their attraction to us. As in -"He likes me? You know, he's kinda cute." I think (like many others) that the level of infatuation Jonny exhibited was intoxicating and heady to her. That coupled with his wealth made him exotic and I am sure felt incredibly romantic. Of course that can't be sustained as we see in the novel.

Her assumption that he would never lie to her (an erroneous assumption as RebeccaF mentions above) would have also been a huge factor.

Posted Sep. 21, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Jessica F

Join Date: 05/23/20

Posts: 181

RE: What about Jonny do you think ...

I can't understand why she would leave Jamal. It seemed his only fault was that he hadn't proposed yet. He had a decent career, made good money, and took good care of Brittany.

Had Jonny ever showed up to my door like that, I would've been scared. Never would I have let it turn into a relationship.

I am sure she was swept off her feet by the romanticism and wealth. She seems like a woman who was waiting to be "saved" by a man.

Posted Sep. 25, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/11/20

Posts: 39

RE: What about Jonny do you think ...

I think Brittany was used to people thinking she was something special because of her standing in life and Jonny was no exception. He fawned over her and eventually won her over with his shallowness.


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