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Next to Love

"A lustrous evocation of a stormy period in our past; highly recommended for ...
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Any characters in the book you think were intentionally named according to their personalities in Next to Love?

Created: 05/12/12

Replies: 3

Posted May. 12, 2012 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Denise B-K

Join Date: 01/19/12

Posts: 26

Any characters in the book you think were intentionally named according to their personalities in Next To Love?

Credit this topic to shrogers and lisag who wrote about this question in another string...

...shrogers wrote "Just the name King shows the standards to which he held himself."

...Then lisag posted "shrogers brings up a great point: character names. Sometimes authors use those to indicate what sort of person the character is.

Any other characters in the book you think were intentionally named according to their personalities?

I have to say, Babe is a shortened version I don't care for at all. It's suggestive of a pet name I can't take seriously. I'd definitely choose the long form "Bernadette" if that were my name. Or anything but "Babe." It doesn't seem to suit her personality to me. Anyone disagree?"

My post: Long been interested in the names authors choose for their characters. My current favorite is Sarah Starzynski of SARA'S KEY -- her last name evokes thoughts of the Stars of David the Jews were forced to wear during The Holocaust. Surprisingly no one in my monthly book club had thought of this. If you've read the book did you think of this?

Now NEXT TO LOVE: On page 17 when Mrs Painter (Grace's Mom) is thoroughly criticizing Babe she says, "And that ridiculous name. Bernadette is bad enough. Babe is just vulgar." Babe first thought is "That's unfair. She never asked to be called Babe." She wishfully speculates that the boys gave her the nickname because of her "throwing arm." Then she worries if the nickname is because of her growing up on "the wrong side of the tracks" thus being considered "fast." What I wonder is if Babe ever asked NOT to be called this nickname. Recall that Pete Swallow had the wherewithal on his FIRST DAY OF KINDERGARTEN to demand he be recognized by this name rather than Jack Baum.

An internet search defines Millie as of Germanic origin meaning “strength.” BookBrowse asks readers in another string whether Millie is callous or a fierce survivor. Hmmm...

Grace of Latin origin means “good will.” Does Grace share “good will” with others? To herself? My opinion on the latter is no -- exhibited by her accepting a loveless, intimateless marriage to a man who was most likely Gay.

Personally, my maternal grandmother’s name was Bernice with the nickname Bee. My mother honored her by naming me a modernized form, Denise. My nickname ya’ll rightly will guess is Dee. ;-D

Posted May. 14, 2012 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/12/12

Posts: 298

RE: Any characters in the book you think were intentionally named according to their personalities in Next to Love?

I'm native to the Deep South, where names can get incredibly interesting. My paternal grandmother chose the names William and Billy for her two sons. Not sure what the thought process was behind that, naming the younger child a nickname of the older. Wasn't a family name, either. I'll never know.

Posted May. 18, 2012 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/12/12

Posts: 298

RE: Any characters in the book you think were intentionally named according to their personalities in Next to Love?

I was writing about the character Grace before. Thinking more about it I can see how her name would describe the kind of person who'd be faithful to a husband who was less than ideal, shall we say. It's true she married a man obviously not good for her but I can see that decision as self-sacrificing, too, in order to have the safety of a man who brings in a good income. It was a choice she came to regret, but she had the "grace" to stick with it.

Posted May. 19, 2012 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/21/11

Posts: 281

RE: Any characters in the book you think were intentionally named according to their personalities in Next to Love?

Morris may, or may not have been intentionally named. In my opinion that name isn't a go-for-it hero's designation. Makes me think a rather wish-washy person.


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