I think the concept of war was more glamorous before the era of television, where the nightly news showed stacks of body bags ready to be repatriated for burial. War was portrayed in epic paintings as glorious battles with men wearing pristine uniforms, riding beautiful horses while carrying glittering swords & firearms. Men were called to arms to fight for country, a sovereign or homeland. It truly wasn’t until the American. I I’ll War that civilians were shown photographs of the immediate aftermath of battle, dead & greviously wounded soldiers.
Not all soldiers were volunteers as well. No doubt many of the conscripts thought of war as an unavoidable evil. WWII was the last war where young men eagerly signed up to defend his or her home.and or leader.
But even today, war time affords opportunities for leadership and promotion in the military. War and preparation for war requires factories that produce weapons, uniforms, logistical equipment, airplanes, ships, tanks, jeeps, housing....; companies that provide food distribution, security, maintenance contracts, medicines....war creates millionaires and billionaires.