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Miracle Creek

A thrilling debut novel about how far we'll go to protect our families, and our ...
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Young felt that while she didn't want Mary to be an evil person, "in a way it was worse knowing that her daughter was a good person who made one mistake." What do you think she meant by this? Do you agree?

Created: 04/16/20

Replies: 3

Posted Apr. 16, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

Young felt that while she didn't want Mary to be an evil person, "in a way it was worse knowing that her daughter was a good person who made one mistake." What do you think she meant by this? Do you agree?

Once Young learned the truth about Mary's involvement, she felt that while she didn't want Mary to be an evil person, "in a way it was worse knowing that her daughter was a good person who made one mistake." What do you think she meant by this? Do you agree?

Posted Apr. 17, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/09/19

Posts: 24

RE: Young felt that while she didn't want Mary to be an evil person, "in a way it was worse knowing that her daughter was a good person who made one mistake." What do you think she meant by this? Do you agree?

I think that Young knew that her daughter did not intentionally set the fire, what she meant by saying it was worse is that if Mary had been an evil person she could have blown off her daughter and it would have been easier to understand why this tragedy occurred, but because the fire happened due to one senseless act, not out of malice, it made it harder for her to handle the consequences her daughter would have to face and that she would have to take responsibility.

She knew that if Mary did not come clean it would ultimately eat away at her daughter's soul and she would not be able to live with herself.

Posted Apr. 20, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/13/14

Posts: 176

RE: Young felt that while she didn't want Mary to be an evil person, "in a way it was worse knowing that her daughter was a good person who made one mistake." What do you think she meant by this? Do you agree?

We all know that one's life can be dramatically changed in the flick of an eye, or one moment's indecision. There's an old saying that my mother used: "He who hesitates is lost." Mary made a mistake in lighting the match under the gas pipe. Mary's mistake did not make her a bad person, but she had to pay the price for that mistake, which took two lives.

Posted Apr. 20, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/14/18

Posts: 83

RE: Young felt that while she didn't want Mary to be an evil person, "in a way it was worse knowing that her daughter was a good person who made one mistake." What do you think she meant by this? Do you agree?

I agree with Young. Her daughter wasn't an evil person she just made a very bad mistake. One that ended up taking two lives and costing Mary her freedom.


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