Cameron initially appeared to be the most successful, but in the end both Nathan and Bub prove to be so.. Cameron bought in to his father's philosophy - his land and wealth gave him power and position he didn't really earn or deserve. As a result he followed right along in the life style of his father and became a liar, a phony, a danger, and destructive not only to himself but to those closest to him. Nathan and Bub were not favored by their father - which is to their benefit. Nathan left the ranch, married, and worked his own land. Bub did much the same but on his own. Bub wanted to follow Cameron's path - he wanted control of the ranch - but is fortunate that he never got close enough to get it. Nathan became isolated from the family and even the town. While this seems to have created problems for him and leave him somewhat weak and worried, in the end being away from the ranch was a blessing. He was not under the scrutiny of his father or brother and as a result was able to look at life and their situation more clearly. Bub, too, was growing that way. He had a plan to leave - and when it became apparent the ranch would not be his and he understood the reason for that - he was grateful for that and eager to move on.