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A breathtaking page-turner and an ode to our threatened world.
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What do Ireland and Australia represent for Franny? Discuss the importance of home and belonging in this novel, and how Franny's search for it shapes her life.

Created: 08/05/21

Replies: 1

Posted Aug. 05, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

What do Ireland and Australia represent for Franny? Discuss the importance of home and belonging in this novel, and how Franny's search for it shapes her life.

What do Ireland and Australia represent for Franny? Discuss the importance of home and belonging in this novel, and how Franny's search for it shapes her life.

Posted Aug. 05, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/31/13

Posts: 110

RE: What do Ireland and Australia ...

Franny is so unsettled in the world both past and present that you might call her homeless but with Niall she considered him home and he said he would wait for her. She seems unsettled in Ireland with her history and lack of family and she learned to appreciate Australia although that didn't seem like home either. Like the tern migration, there is a great distance between the two locations. Franny had a restless spirit that made her struggle with belonging and home but she did find home with people that didn't need her to be in one spot.


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