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Morningside Heights

A tender and big-hearted novel about love in the face of loss, from the award-...
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How do you think each character's success – or lack thereof – impacted their identity? Is there a character you consider more successful than the others?

Created: 09/23/21

Replies: 3

Posted Sep. 23, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

How do you think each character's success – or lack thereof – impacted their identity? Is there a character you consider more successful than the others?

Each of the characters has goals and ambitions. Do you consider each of them successful? How do you think their success – or lack thereof – impacted their identity? Is there a character you consider more successful than the others?

Posted Sep. 25, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/21/11

Posts: 264

RE: How do you think each character'...

Except for Pru, who sublimates much of her own talent, all characters are crazy successful. Certainly, Spence as the sought-after, groupy-inspiring professor with an expertise in Shakespeare of all things. Sarah as a doctor and then Arlo who, despite his unorthodox upbringing and learning challenges, has found a high tech niche. And, for each, this success is, indeed, part and parcel of who they are.

In chapter 18, we see this first hand when Spence has some periods of lucidity and discusses his illness with Pru and states: "I'd rather kill myself than let this disease take me.... To be robbed of my mind? I've never meant anything more." He then takes out a bread knife which Pru takes as an attempt at suicide but was really just an attempt to slice his bagel.

Posted Sep. 25, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/07/12

Posts: 264

RE: How do you think each character'...

It depends on how you define success - Arlo is certainly successful career-wise and financially, but he wonders if his father would think he was successful? And Spence was successful in his academic niche of Shakespeare research, but he was unsuccessful at furthering his relationship with his son. Was Pru successful? She sublimated her wants and needs, her career aspirations, too, to those of her husband. But maybe she considered herself successful at her roles of wife and mother, and then caretaker of Spence.

Posted Oct. 01, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 12/04/20

Posts: 137

RE: How do you think each character'...

Arlo was successful in business and accomplished it without much support.
Sarah has a defined path and achieves success in her profession.
Pru delayed her chance at success by her early relationship decisions. Perhaps she will have the same results in a future relationship with Walter.
Spence was overwhelming successful from an achievement and recognition viewpoint. He was not very successful at relating to ordinary people.
It appears that Arlo, the most challenged both emotionally and materially, would be the most successful. He's achieved his own business recognition, financial accomplishment and is able to relate and bring joy to Enid.


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