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The Moment of Lift

How can we summon a moment of lift for women? Because when you lift up women, ...
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In your experience, how does lift happen? Are there individuals in your life whom you feel you've helped to lift, in a big or small way? Who has helped lift you?

Created: 01/12/21

Replies: 10

Posted Jan. 12, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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In your experience, how does lift happen? Are there individuals in your life whom you feel you've helped to lift, in a big or small way? Who has helped lift you?

Melinda explains that she has shared these women's (and men's) stories as a way to inspire us to lift each other up. In your experience, how does lift happen? Are there individuals in your life whom you feel you've helped to lift, in a big or small way? Who has helped lift you?

Posted Jan. 15, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/16/10

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RE: In your experience, how does lift happen? Are there individuals in your life whom you feel you've helped to lift, in a big or small way? Who has helped lift you?

I think often lift is accidental and just part of one's nature. In my opinion, it's more often a little thing, something you do every day to encourage those in your life - something that happens organically rather than something one plans to do.

Posted Jan. 16, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/25/17

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RE: In your experience, how does lift happen? Are there individuals in your life whom you feel you've helped to lift, in a big or small way? Who has helped lift you?

I, too, usually think of lift as something accidental and small that makes a big difference to someone else. I am glad to learn that Melinda sees these as things we can actually plan and make a very big difference to an entire culture.

Posted Jan. 21, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: In your experience, how does lift happen? Are there individuals in your life whom you feel you've helped to lift, in a big or small way? Who has helped lift you?

I liked these thoughts by Melinda:

" without limits. ...see ourselves in others. ...see ourselves as others. That is the moment of lift."

"This was not me helping Anna; it was me listening to Anna, and Anna inspired me. It was two women from different worlds meeting on the margins, and summoning a moment of lift."

As I thought about these ideas, I realize lift is listening to and loving others as they are. We can lift others in both large and small ways. I agree with the other comments that lift can be accidental and more organic than planned. We often do seemingly small things that can lift others in a moment.

Thinking of when I've lifted someone else is interesting. I'm not certain we know when we have really made a difference in someone else's life. I believe often lift occurs as we live our own lives in a way that we love unconditionally. We look for opportunities to help and serve those around us - in our homes, communities, and the world at large.

When I have been lifted by someone else...I can think of a couple specific examples during the months of chemotherapy. Lift in those experiences was both a tangible, physical assistance that made a huge difference and also a emotional, mental lift that made me feel seen, loved, and valued.

Posted Jan. 21, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/04/14

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RE: In your experience, how does lift happen? Are there individuals in your life whom you feel you've helped to lift, in a big or small way? Who has helped lift you?

I have been fortunate to have experienced moments of lift so many times in my life. Reading Melinda's book helped focus my thoughts on this. As a retired educator, I remember the days as a young teacher, that I was lifted by more experienced teachers and administrators, as well as by colleagues. From the experienced end of the spectrum, I know I was lifted by younger teachers and hopefully lifted them as well. And I will always treasure having the opportunity to lift students and the moments that they touched me so deeply by lifting me. I agree that lift is often accidental. I am touched by all the ways the Gates have been able to lift others. Tears came to my eyes when I read Melinda's experiences with lifting young women by supporting them in furthering their education.

Posted Jan. 21, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/12/16

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RE: In your experience, how does lift happen? Are there individuals in your life whom you feel you've helped to lift, in a big or small way? Who has helped lift you?

I am so fortunate to have many strong women as role models in my life. I am in a book club of very involved, strong women and they always encourage me to be a better person. To educate myself about politics and take action to influence politicians to make good choices for women. We also encourage each other to be bold and try different things. My mother was probably the most influential "lifter" in my life. I never thought there was anything I couldn't do just because I was a girl. It is an amazing gift to have someone believe in you so strongly, that you don't even realize what a gift it is, that some people don't have that kind of encouragement. I hope my daughter feels like I have helped lift her to fulfill all her goals and dreams.

Posted Jan. 22, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/14/19

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RE: In your experience, how does lift happen? Are there individuals in your life whom you feel you've helped to lift, in a big or small way? Who has helped lift you?

Teaching English at a community college allowed me to help others often. Many of my students were first generation college students and many were adults returning to get a degree or certificate to better their lives and the lives of their children. I also work with young immigrant women to help them improve their conversational English. We lift each other up through our conversations and learning about one another. My mother definitely lifted me up. I was an extremely shy child and she encouraged me in little ways to step out of that shyness.

Posted Jan. 23, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/07/20

Posts: 27

RE: In your experience, how does lift happen? Are there individuals in your life whom you feel you've helped to lift, in a big or small way? Who has helped lift you?

I depend on my sisters to lift me up often. We were a very large family so our mother was too busy to hear or see our needs as we grew up and as a result, several of us were not close to her and we depended on each other to express those and share secrets. I REALLY miss them -- and my daughter -- now during the COVID crisis. Some of us use Skype and ZOOM to keep in touch but it doesn't give hugs!

Posted Jan. 23, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/06/18

Posts: 7

RE: In your experience, how does lift happen? Are there individuals in your life whom you feel you've helped to lift, in a big or small way? Who has helped lift you?

Lift has happened for me in being mentored by all types of women from all types of races. communities and in different times of my life. Lift happens when we share our stories and move forward with action and compassion. We must reach out to the marginalized and those who appear to be not counted.

Posted Jan. 26, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/10/17

Posts: 20

RE: In your experience, how does lift happen? Are there individuals in your life whom you feel you've helped to lift, in a big or small way? Who has helped lift you?

The list of women in my life whom lifted me began with a teacher in 3rd grade to a political leader as a retiree consultant. I have been extremely fortunate. It is my hope that I have returned the "lift" many times.

Posted Jan. 26, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/15/12

Posts: 146

RE: In your experience, how does lift happen? Are there individuals in your life whom you feel you've helped to lift, in a big or small way? Who has helped lift you?

Lift happens during exposure to new ideas and your receptiveness at that juncture in your life. It is usually because you have role models and mentors.


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